Find Time to Make Your Relationship Sizzle!

So you want more sizzle? I can almost with 100% of my being state that it’s fair to say that all women want to be the most important thing in their man’s life? Am I wrong? We don’t intend to be selfish or overly demanding, but women seem to be so productive and still have time for love. So why don’t guys?

 As a women, our lives are filled with complexity. And with that complexity comes an inherent need for balance, a juggling act of sorts. We have to balance  jobs,  families, love for food,  yoga booty ballet, and somewhere in there we have to find time to be the most fabulous girlfriend we can be. Even after 10-hour workdays we need to try to find fun little gestures to show them that we care, and that they are the center of our universe…..leave love notes in his shoes, leave a note in his lunch or in his wallet….Regardless of the many other things going on in my life, you should always manage to reserve time and effort for your relationship.

 So what do we do? How do we demand attention without being too needy? And how do we maintain the spotlight without asking too much? What do you do when your man allows other things to take center stage and forgets how lucky he is to have you? You remind him and you keep reminding him!!! When the fizzle and spark fade, and you feel it slipping away, you need to take action fast….if you never experience this and it’s always a mystery of fun loving….you’re doing a great job! Well done!

 How is this done you wonder? The answer is easy…it’s simplicity. It’s easy to get into a routine of waking up, going to work, coming home, turning on the TV, and going to sleep. That might be easy, but it’s also totally unacceptable.You aren’t not dating your job. You’re also not dating your bed. We would like love and attention and a side of sex please. And super size it if you will?!!

 Of course, then again, spontaneity is not something you can schedule….that’s the fun of it and that’s what makes t so damn sexy! Now, if you stay aware of opportunities that are easy to take advantage of, then it can be scheduled, but really,…..isn’t it more fun do do something on the fly when most of our time is spent under a strict schedule? When you get home from the gym, and find him in the shower, jump in, save water, and lather up together! When he’s undressing for the night, go ahead and help him out of that work suit and into his birthday suit! Make time for sexy-time! Find the moments to be sexy and intimate in between the laundry and dishes. Where ever it may be, make it sensual and erotic and wow him good! This will be a memory of a wild romp that you shared and you’ll want to do this kind of dirty laundry again real soon! Don Henley sang it best…..Undress her with your eyes……”Dirty little secrets, dirty little lies…..we love dirty laundry!” Now this is what I call getting down and dirty and  doing some productive laundry!



5 Stages of Seducing a Woman…


  Noun: 1. The action of seducing someone.

               2. A tempting or attractive thing.

 Guys, do you know how to properly seduce a woman? When you think of seducing someone, what comes to mind first? Seduction is something that women as well as men undertake from time to time to get their partners to have sex with them. However, many will tell you that it is the men who have to seduce the women most of the time. Don’t assume that because a woman dresses in a sexy way, she is trying to seduce you. Generally she will still expect you to seduce her. This way she can still feel good about herself and doesn’t have to feel she is a slut. A successful seducer always leaves the woman with the impression that she made the right decision when she went to bed with him.

Confidence and intelligence are the two things that women desire in men. If you are smart as well as confident then you have a high chance of successfully taking her home. The way you act and talk is also very important. Make her feel that you are a gentleman by doing everything that a gentleman would do. However, don’t be too nice otherwise you may end up being just good friends. Don’t agree to all her requests. Ignore some of her questions, yes, you heard me….this will peak her interest. Seduction is an art that requires you to be very attentive to circumstances including monitoring many things at the same time. This may seem impossible at first and that’s why many guys don’t have the success that they could have. But really, it’s just like driving. At first it seems that you will never master all of the things that need to be done at the same time. Don’t give up. She will be worth the wait!


Knowing different situations of seduction, you should be aware of the different stages of creating a bond with her:


Stage 1 Overcome the awkwardness by indulging in light and informal conversation so that the two of you can understand each other. Create a connection.


Stage 2 Make yourself trustworthy and make her feel she knows you pretty well. This is not about factual knowledge, but giving her a sense that she is seeing the real you and can trust you to act in certain ways.


Stage 3 Have her develop sensual or romantic feelings for you. Flirt.


Stage 4 Introduce physical touch in the relationship – not just friendly touching which you may have done already if she is a touch-centered person, but the kind of touching that you would only do with a woman you wanted to seduce: holding hands, kissing, arms around her, close dancing.


Stage 5 Move to intimate touch, foreplay and sex. This usually requires moving to another location and you should be prepared to go through all of the earlier stages over again in the new location, right from stage one, if necessary – though it should be much quicker this time around.

 You should always know what stage you are at with any individual woman. As soon as one stage is successfully completed, it is time to move on to the next. You must become skilled at knowing the right time to switch to the next stage. If you move too fast, she will be scared and reject you. If you hesitate, she will think you are not very attracted to her. With practice you will learn the skill of picking the right moment for the next move and you’ll both become more and more comfortable with one another.

 This article is Simply Delicious Lingerie® article.