Women LikeTheir Men in Erotic, Sexy Undies

There are those men that enjoy wearing erotic and playful underwear, but they don’t want to be feminine in any way, however they just like the sensation of the smooth fabrics. Then there are those that want to look like macho men with animal magnetism. Some men may even resent the societal inequality which dictates that delicate fabrics are solely for women, but it is what it is. Lets face it…until a short time ago, most lingerie companies only serviced women’s needs. We want the man to feel just as sexy and special as any woman. We had to take the initial step and ask “What would and would not men wear?”  Ask a handful of women to tell you their favorite form of men’s sexy underwear, and you’ll probably get five different answers. Why? Well, opinions vary, so you have to give them selections that will satisfy everyone. Some women think that boxer briefs are sexy and super erotic, I do, but then someone else might say that the G-String is hot, or even men’s erotic bedroom costumes are their desire. Just as men enjoy their woman in sensual lingerie, we women feel the same regarding our fellas.

With so many options in seductive undies for the guys, it’s hard to decide which ones look best on men which can make shopping for sassy underwear for your guy a bit of a challenge. Ladies, it’s time to give your man a taste of a new kind of erotic! If your man wears briefs, he’s probably a bit of a kid at heart. His tighty whiteys are a throwback to his youth, and you should keep his underwear gift sexy, yet light hearted. A playful pair of undies will rock his world, and yours too! Here’s a better idea… Why not try some edible underwear for your stud muffin!? You’ll want to ease into this gal, don’t expect him to change his mind overnight, unless he finds it sensual and seductive to try new things.


The most logical first step for a man who wants to wear silk lingerie is boxers There are a wide range of satin and silk boxers on the market, and if anything, seeing a man wearing silk boxers is a turn on for even the most conservative woman. Silk boxers speak to style, elegance, and taste. No matter what your fancy, we have an enormous selection of hot men’s underwear at Simply Delicious Lingerie. From abbreviated briefs to contoured boxers, we have a wide range of underwear designed to up your sexy quotient.Then there are the ladies whose men’s sexy underwear preference leans more towards wild tastes. Thongs, g strings and bikinis are a bold choice on any man, and they are definitely not for the underwear shy.


Some women think that a mans essentials will look more becoming if he wears sexy erotic undies. Hey, what man doesn’t want his package to look a little larger? There are very few guys who wouldn’t leap at the opportunity to boost the profile of their package if it came knocking at their door, ahhh contrary to what you think, I don’t believe that at all. Luckily, that opportunity is knocking in the form of some high-tech underwear designs and Simply Delicious Lingerie will soon be carrying a larger line of sexy men’s underwear. So listen up fellas, you don’t need a pill, a pump or a painful operation, and the results are instantaneous as you will look and feel sexier! You just need to select the right undies that accentuate your body.


For a long time now the market for sexy underwear has concentrated on women’s lingerie, while men have had a limited choice of cotton boxers. In the past if you wanted something a little sexier for your fellow, it would involve you visiting an adult sort of shop with blacked out windows and chances are the selection that you found would have been in a tiger print pattern….or at least that is my guess.) Not any longer, now you can shop in the privacy of your own home, or office 365 days a year 24 hours a day. Allow of staff to assist you with your shopping needs. Finally the underwear designers have turned there attention to the male market, as modern men have become more style conscious and take a keen interest in personal grooming, it stands to sense that they take as much interest in their underwear drawer.


Whether the demand is being driven by men themselves or their partner’s are using some persuasion to encourage them to pull on something sexier is unclear. However, the demand for sexy underwear for men over the past couple of years seems to be taking the United States by storm. It is fast overtaking the everyday wear in sales and when you look at the exciting lines by designers that we are affiliated with and will share with you in 2013. www.SimplyDeliciousLingerie.com


Check out our selection; http://www.simplydeliciouslingerie.com/mens-lingerie-%20mens-underwear-sexy-mens-briefs-mens-undergarments-mens-boxer-briefs-mens%20thongs-mens-panties



About Simply Delicious Lingerie:

Simply Delicious Lingerie is an online boutique specializing in sexy lingerie from designers such as Carrie Amber Intimates LLC ‘SeventilMidnight’, Be Wicked, Elegant Moments, Fantasy Lingerie, Raveware, and WMS Clothing. Our lingerie is the aphrodisiac of taste, and represents beauty and luxury at an affordable price. At Simply Delicious Lingerie we’ve personally selected a variety of sexy lingerie just for you and all of your sensuous rendezvous. We sell accessories, Bordello shoes, Pleaser shoes, garter sets, bridal lingerie, bridal undergarments, honeymoon lingerie, wedding day lingerie, wedding garter sets, wedding petticoats, affordable plus size lingerie, Halloween costumes, sexy plus size costumes,  fantasy lingerie, matching lingerie sets, men’s underwear, men’s Lingerie, sexy thigh high stockings, satin pajamas, plus size sleepwear, adult novelty items and sex swings including the Whip Smart Pleasure Swing. Have a lingerie party with us and experience fun!  Our mission is to take your sexy lingerie needs to the next level of comfort, intrigue, romance and sophistication. For more information or to place an order today please visit http://simplydeliciouslingerie.com/  Say YES (your everyday sexy) to Simply Delicious Lingerie! ®



Dress for Success

UNLIKE decades past, women working in corporate America do not dress like they did before. Things have changed and for a variety of reasons.The concept of dressing for success is just as pertinent today as it was 10 to 20 years ago, perhaps even more so because the work world is more competitive. It can differ by industry, profession or even geographic location and mean different things to different businesses. Generally, business casual equates to a classic rather than a trendy style. A “classic” is timeless and never goes out of fashion. Realistically, classic items do not have to be expensive or high-end clothing and can be found on a budget.The new millennium-working woman must find a way to get ahead of her counterparts, male and female at other companies, but also within her own place of employment.

Knowledge, skill and the ability to finesse corporate politics are instrumental, but one’s image and appearance also continue to be key factors in moving up in corporate America. If you want to achieve success, you must look successful. You must present an image of competence, self-confidence and professionalism. You must have the “look best” attitude.

A secretary or administrative assistant is not held to the same standard as the vice president of human resources or the director of finance at a Fortune 500 company. And it should be noted that it is part of the business culture for employees even executives in advertising, media, entertainment and other creative fields to dress more casually than those in, say, banking and finance. When you must interact with the public, clients and business associates in addition to your boss and other company executives then your appearance certainly should take on a more professional polish! Review your company’s dress code, as policies may vary by company. Many companies have a dress code in place allowing employees to be comfortable at work, while still displaying a professional image for the company. If a dress code does not exist, observe and take cues from your colleagues on their business attire.

Clothing that reveals too much cleavage, your back, your chest, your feet, your stomach or your underwear is not appropriate for a place of business, even in a business casual setting.

Even in a business casual work environment, clothing should be pressed and never wrinkled. Torn, dirty, or frayed clothing is  no way, no how acceptable. All seams must be finished.

Don’t cut corners on style and fashion when you have a job that enables you to shine. Don’t look frumpy especially if you work in fashion. Remember “The Devil Wears Prada?” She begins a job that wasn’t something she had wanted, rather needed….and she doesn’t seem to care about because that wasn’t her dream job, let’s look at reality for a moment, do we ever really end up with our dream job? Some do, some don’t. So what did she do about it? Well, she realized after not too long that now she wanted the job and her desire peaked, she also wanted respect!…She brought in back up and made changes in her appearance, and in NO TIME FLAT won the respect of those who wouldn’t have given her a second glance prior to now. Your attire should be noticed as being appropriate and well-fitting, but it should not take center  stage.

There is a moral to this story…Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have,…and do accessorize ladies! Don’t over do it,…offices like simple yet stunning, not a lot of bling!  You want to stand out, but not too much, however, you don’t want to just “blend in”…….so where is the happy medium, and the line drawn not to cross over? Good question, and with all jobs it is different. Depending on the type of position you have and what of business it is makes all the difference.

In the business world today where it changes everyday….you want to follow the trend! If you want to be noticed, you’ll have to make some significant wardrobe changes. This is a win/win! You will turn more heads, and your opinions will matter! Show them that you are as business savvy as they are and take the reins! Soon, they’ll be seeking your opinions, and asking for your ideas! You won’t go unnoticed any longer. If you want to be taken serious, you must look serious, professional, and your etiquette must shine! Changes in fashion may change some things, but most often these are minor changes like the width of lapels, the cut of pants, or the colors of blouses, shirts and ties available in the stores. Basic professional attire does not change with the whims of fashion. A good suit should last five to ten years, depending on its quality,  how hard you wear it, how well you care for it, and if it continues to fit you well.

Regardless of where you work, or what your profession is, go to work looking like a million bucks. You’ll turn heads, and before long you won’t be “that girl” ….Your peers who didn’t know you or recognize you before will now actually know you by name! Now ladies, let’s go…Put your best foot forward!

About Simply Delicious Lingerie

Simply Delicious Lingerie is an online boutique specializing in sexy lingerie from designers such as Carrie Amber Intimates LLC ‘SeventilMidnight’, Be Wicked, Elegant Moments, Fantasy Lingerie, Raveware, and WMS Clothing. Our lingerie is the aphrodisiac of taste, and represents beauty and luxury at an affordable price. At Simply Delicious Lingerie we’ve personally selected a variety of sexy lingerie just for you and all of your sensuous rendezvous. We sell accessories, Bordello shoes, Pleaser shoes, garter sets, bridal lingerie, bridal undergarments, honeymoon lingerie, wedding day lingerie, wedding garter sets, wedding petticoats, affordable plus size lingerie, Halloween costumes, sexy plus size costumes,  fantasy lingerie, matching lingerie sets, men’s underwear, men’s Lingerie, sexy thigh high stockings, satin pajamas, plus size sleepwear, adult novelty items and sex swings including the Whip Smart Pleasure Swing. Have a lingerie party with us and experience fun!  Our mission is to take your sexy lingerie needs to the next level of comfort, intrigue, romance and sophistication. For more information or to place an order today please visit http://simplydeliciouslingerie.com/  Say YES (your everyday sexy) to Simply Delicious Lingerie! ®

© This is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie®

Free Online Dating Sites…Which is Best for YOU?

DAY AFTER DAY women and men are looking for love, but are they looking in all the right or all the wrong places? For the past decade I have been interested and involved in getting to know how dating sites function and operate. I’ve researched for years why people turn to dating sites and at what ages. It appears that individuals are anywhere from 18 to 70 years of age. Many of the reasons for  this constant searching myself have been to try to understand what the percentage of us all have in common, and truth be told, we just want to find happiness and love. These two things are characteristics that most people search for can be a life change as well as wonderful new memories if they per chance meet. This all happens through the knowledge of websites and how people choose to use them. What’s best for you? Where will you find love?


In this quest for love on the Internet, is there a place for romance? Possibly… There are so many free online dating services these days that it is hard to know how to find the best ones.You can waste a lot of time on a site that turns out to be full of tire kickers or people who are not honest. Sure, is the same as the personal ads in print, with many more benefits and options. It is always a blind race but at least you get to check every day, how many people saw your profile, you get instant messages and replies to your messages are instantaneous. The advantage is simply that it is faster and more convenient to make a successful meeting. Finding the best site will benefit you in the long run, so take your time and do your own investigative work to decide which are your best options.

The main risk with a free dating site is that the members tend not to be so serious as like those on paid sites:

  This is not surprising when you think about it.Get smart here guys and gals, and think about it, really…Imagine a guy who is just looking to pass some dead time at work by emailing a few pretty girls. He may be married, he may be in another country, or he may just not want the commitment of having a real relationship. People like that will waste a lot of your time and you are likely to find many of them on the free sites. Not to mention, in most cases they are cheap dates and really don’t care to find a relationship nor love so they figure “why invest in it?” the bottom line is that these people are not likely to pay out good money just to amuse themselves sending emails to women they do not want to meet. Of course you get the same thing the other way around and there will be women who just want to amuse themselves this way too.


Nonetheless, at the same time, there are plenty of genuine people who simply do not have the money to be a member of a paid dating site, or who want to meet a lot of people so they are members of  many sites. So when you find a new online dating free site, how do you know if the members are serious?


The simple answer is to look through the profiles before you  join, check them out and get a good feel for them before you decide construct your own profile. better yet, ask around. You would probably do this anyway in that you would look at the profiles of the opposite gender to see if they have the type of person that would interest you. In today’s society people are following leads and looking for love everywhere. If you haven’t guessed yet there are many other places to look as well, but that will have to come about in yet another blog….


Sooo, should you do more? YES! My non-professional advice? You should also look at the profiles of other women (if you are a woman). These are the women who attracted the current men members to join the site. Are they like you? Are they looking for the same kind of relationship as you? The better you fit into this existing community, the more likely it is that you will find Mr. Right on the site.



What About The Site Owner

Another thing that you should consider when joining a free site is: what is the site owner getting out of it? You may not think this is your concern, but in fact it can be a real threat to your security. Is the site owner responsible or just some fly by night operator that is looking to make fast cash? If it’s not the cash, then what is the motivation?


Owners of free websites usually have one or more of these  motivations:

  1. Advertisers  pay them to run advertisements on the site. The site covers its costs and more this way. 
  2. Occasionally, you may find a site that is run simply with the purpose of putting people in touch with each other, with no attempt to make money. These sites are often for people of a particular religious or social group and may be run by a non profit organization.
  3. The site owner may make money from spin-off products or services. For example, they may sell an ebook about how to write the perfect online dating profile.
  4. The site owner may make money from selling your personal details (email, telephone etc) to marketing companies or paid dating sites who will send you advertising materials.
  5. Worst case scenario – the site may be fishing for your personal details for identity theft. This is very uncommon but you should be aware it is a possibility. Be suspicious if they ask for information that they cannot possibly need, such as your credit card or bank details.

As a rule, all you should have to give the site is your email, and you can use a free email address so that you do not get a lot of spam. Genuine free online dating services do not need to know your financial information. Never give out personal information until you find this to be quite legit. My best advice? Do a lot of research in a company before you sign up for something. It’s always better to be safe, than sorry.








About Simply Delicious Lingerie:

Simply Delicious Lingerie is an online boutique specializing in sexy lingerie from designers such as Carrie Amber Intimates LLC ‘SeventilMidnight’, Be Wicked, Elegant Moments, Fantasy Lingerie, Raveware, and WMS Clothing. Our lingerie is the aphrodisiac of taste, and represents beauty and luxury at an affordable price. At Simply Delicious Lingerie we’ve personally selected a variety of sexy lingerie just for you and all of your sensuous rendezvous. We sell accessories, Bordello shoes, Pleaser shoes, garter sets, bridal lingerie, bridal undergarments, honeymoon lingerie, wedding day lingerie, wedding garter sets, wedding petticoats, affordable plus size lingerie, Halloween costumes, sexy plus size costumes,  fantasy lingerie, matching lingerie sets, men’s underwear, men’s Lingerie, sexy thigh high stockings, satin pajamas, plus size sleepwear, adult novelty items and sex swings including the Whip Smart Pleasure Swing. Have a lingerie party with us and experience fun!  Our mission is to take your sexy lingerie needs to the next level of comfort, intrigue, romance and sophistication. For more information or to place an order today please visit http://simplydeliciouslingerie.com/  Say YES (your everyday sexy) to Simply Delicious Lingerie! ®


Why Women L-O-V-E Wearing Sexy Lingerie

It’s classy, sassy and oh so hot! Women, regardless of their size, shape, color or race all have one thing in common. We all love women’s intimate apparel. Why? Think about it…it’s sensual, sexy and we enjoy the feeling of confidence when we wear it.What women doesn’t like to kick it up a notch in the bedroom? Its time to turn up the heat and sizzle in a new sensual piece of lingerie from Simply Delicious Lingerie. Regardless of what style or type of lingerie it is, we feel exquisite in it and men think we look erotic. When selecting the proper lingerie we first must determine what the occasion is and why we are wearing it, and second, we have to decide if it is going to be worn for the feeling of comfort and confidence or if it will be viewed and taken off by a partner shortly after you show it off? the truth is, you really don’t need to spend a lot. A cute bra and boy shorts are a great idea for instant sex appeal, nevertheless, a sensuous, seductive and suggestive way to get your partners attention.
Truthfully, there are so many theories on why women love to wear lingerie. For women it isn’t about whether or not anyone  else will see it, it is for themselves and that particular feeling they get when they slip into it. How women perceive themselves helps their over all self-esteem. If you think you look sexy in that camisole then you are sexy. Looking and feeling good is a big part our society today. Many people assume when a woman wears lingerie that is solely for a man’s pleasure. Even though lingerie has been worn for centuries for the pleasure of the opposite sex, it is not the main focus for women these days or in the past. Now it is more of a notion of self-image and feeling attractive for one’s self rather than for anybody else. It is about feeling good about the whole you and knowing  you are sexy even when you don’t readily show everyone else. It’s about teasing others with a small introduction of your favorite selected piece. It’s about that charge of energy you feel when you see yourself in this beautiful piece, and it is about the tone that sets the entire mood when this piece covers your body.
Interestingly enough, marketing approaches have also changed  as well these last few years. Women love-making lingerie purchases. It’s not a big secret like it was years ago.Their message today not only promotes looking sexy for your partner, they also tell you to feel sexy for you as well and more importantly. Lingerie has always made to be exotic and teasing. Today, women can get just as much pleasure just from wearing it as they can by being viewed in it. In some cases they can get more out of just wearing it for them and not other. Some women are very shy and are not willing to immediately slip into something  sexy for some one else’s viewing pleasure. This type of display can make them feel awkward or anxious. Just wearing the sexy lingerie when no one else knows can help spark self-esteem and desire in her self. Now designers are gearing this sexy wear for comfort, movement, and everyday practicality as well  as sleek and sexy. Not only does this trend in design say a lot about marketing it says a lot about women in society today.
Back in the day of boned corsets that left women barely able to breathe or move, comfort was not the option. It was implied that proper women did not move all around, nonetheless, really, they had no need to. It was also under the premise that women had no need to be out in the world. Their job was to cater to their husbands, home and families. Comfort was not in the equation. Not to mention that lingerie was not for the common women so it carried prestige and merit. As the time changed and women became more active in political, economical, and the social realms of the world lingerie has taken a huge change. It is not geared  towards the woman her self and the comfort and sexiness she needs. There for lingerie had to become modernized by being less restrictive. There is lingerie and intimate apparel for all occasions that are of great comfort and flexibility for every taste and body type today. Take a peek and browse our fabulous store today for all of your lingerie needs. www.SimplyDeliciousLingerie.com
Lingerie designers are finally recognizing that beauty is not some standardized thing. Today and in the realistic and most modern world, women are now demanding that designers make sexy and practical lingerie that is realistic and designed for all women, not just the standard. Women want to feel and look beautiful to them. That beauty and appreciation for their own body will permeate their personality and trickle into all areas of their lives. Women are tired and have no use to constantly try to fit into some impossible idealistic box anymore. It is now about being appreciated for the individual you. This has been proven with the burst of lingerie for fuller sized women today. The designs of today are now finally geared to the real size women and she can feel sexy too. So now fuller figured women can also feel and look as sexy too, no matter what their size is.
Wearing lingerie can be as much sensual as it sexual. It has to do with self-image, and an abundant amount of self-confidence. Most women that I know today are strong, independent, and vibrant. They are girlfriends,wives, mothers, partners, lovers, mistresses and sugar babies. Regardless of who a woman is, she should feel comfortable in her own skin, and when she is wearing her Simply Delicious Lingerie…she’s calling all the shots! www.SimplyDeliciousLingerie.com has a new selection and we’ll be soon adding the items from our 2013 Holiday and Winter Collection.

About Simply Delicious Lingerie:

Simply Delicious Lingerie is an online boutique specializing in sexy lingerie from designers such as Carrie Amber Intimates LLC ‘SeventilMidnight’, Be Wicked, Elegant Moments, Fantasy Lingerie, Raveware, and WMS Clothing. Our lingerie is the aphrodisiac of taste, and represents beauty and luxury at an affordable price. At Simply Delicious Lingerie we’ve personally selected a variety of sexy lingerie just for you and all of your sensuous rendezvous. We sell accessories, Bordello shoes, Pleaser shoes, garter sets, bridal lingerie, bridal undergarments, honeymoon lingerie, wedding day lingerie, wedding garter sets, wedding petticoats, affordable plus size lingerie, Halloween costumes, sexy plus size costumes,  fantasy lingerie, matching lingerie sets, men’s underwear, men’s Lingerie, sexy thigh high stockings, satin pajamas, plus size sleepwear, adult novelty items and sex swings including the Whip Smart Pleasure Swing. Have a lingerie party with us and experience fun!  Our mission is to take your sexy lingerie needs to the next level of comfort, intrigue, romance and sophistication. For more information or to place an order today please visit http://simplydeliciouslingerie.com/  Say YES (your everyday sexy) to Simply Delicious Lingerie! ®

© This is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie®   

What Do the Shoes Have To Do With Cinderella?

We all want the dream, but reality says it doesn’t always happen. Based on this fairy tale, Cinderella is a great example for young girls to follow. In view of hard times, even with those bitchy step sisters, she is still able to be positive. She is hard working and even when others mistreat her, she holds her head high and doesn’t attack them back, she is a true lady. She is her own person and has her strengths and her weaknesses. heck, she even has the right mind to be on time for a curfew, even if she is dancing the night away with the handsome prince. Somewhere hidden in the childhood of every person are fairy tales, and every woman wants the fairy tale ending…
It’s been what seems like an eternity since Cinderella put on that glass slipper and went out in search of her prince. Realistically, modern women started to wonder if the glass slipper was half-empty or half-full. Excuse me BUT…have you seen the shoes girls wear today? They are nothing at all like I ever wore. Back in the day brand names meant nothing. Now if you aren’t wearing Michael Kors, Gucci, Prada, Jimmy Choo (btw, my favorite) or Christian Louboutin some women look down upon you. Excuse me folks, but last time I watched Cinderella she had on old dirty flats. It’s not necessarily the shoe that creates the magic, it’s the confidence of the woman wearing them. Name brand or no brand, your attitude comes across through your every action.
It wasn’t until her fairy godmother came around using her ‘bibbity bobbity boo’ that her feet got so glamorous…without that stoke of magic, she would have never worn those glass slippers. These stilettos that I speak about are strutting shoes; made to last, made to dance the night away and give you 5 extra inches of confidence so you can look anyone in the eye and assert authority. They often come in colors that scream “Look at me!” and, with a toned leg/short-skirt combo, they make a room-stopping entrance.Often, they are simple classic black stilettos, so you can both show ‘em what you’re made of and then turn him on all in one night..and guess what? They don’t have to be expensive.They are a woman’s best ally: a weapon both inside and out of the bedroom. Like finding a good man, you should choose your shoe wisely.
 In comparison then, (my personal comparison) Men are like running shoes…Comforting, supportive, ready to go that extra mile. They intensify and give you energy, they adhere to you and keep you safe, and will always hold us up when we feel when we’re about to fall. “Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.”  Is that not what a relationship is? How does your shoe fit?
 What is going to happen when this modern-day woman takes off her sexy strutting shoes at the end of the night and all she has are sore feet with no one to rub them? We don’t have a stroke of midnight curfew. Instead, there are times when we come home from another long day stand feeling worthlessly “empowered” (with BOTH shoes on) and no hope of Prince Charming returning a shoe to us. We all see the fairy tales rise and fall around us. Today, people are more shocked by the mythical “happy loving couple” than the ones with the drama and infidelity. Every day, relationships are becoming obsolete…but that does not mean that you should give up. As a hopeless romantic, I truly believe that still with all the BS you hear, there is a prince for everyone.
 Before you consider buying one more pair of expensive killer stiletto designer shoes, an outfit guaranteed “to turn his head” and a bottle of wine for that “get over him” party with your girlfriends, get out there and get your feet wet! My prince charming obviously took a wrong turn and got lost somewhere in that dark forest. Don’t let waiting for that one man stop you. Live your life. My grandmother used to say that love finds you when you least expect it to. Soooo, how do you get started? Well, geez, even Cinderella had a plan, and you should too!
 The Plan: If you did everything right up to this point you should both be planning a night out. Truth is if women and men did everything right I wouldn’t be writing this, but let’s just assume, shall we? Here is where it sometimes goes wrong… Guys- you ask a woman, “So what do you like to do?” Most of the time her response starts with, “I don’t know” and is followed by a list of cliché first date ideas. At this point most men will dim their creative side and go into standard mode. It’s true! Girlfriend…you just sent the message that you are a common woman who desires common dates. That’s exactly what you will get. Why not share your interests, he might enjoy them. Tell him your favorite places and things to do. It helps!
And fellas…contrary to popular belief, don’t expect women to put out because you took us out. Cinderella and her Prince Charming did not engage in premarital sex. Interesting concept! But why do modern-day Cinderella’s feel like sex is the only way to catch a man’s attention? DO NOT use sex to try to control him.One thing I have learned over the years is, that you can’t use sex to keep a man!  If he’s into you, he’s into you. Some men keep certain woman around only for the sex but that’s where it begins and ends. Cinderella was a lady…and you should be too! Sure we all hold that fairy tale within, and who doesn’t want that ‘glass slipper’ but at any age, we all still must live, laugh and love the little girl in us regardless of the make of the shoe…in reality YOU make your own magic!

© This is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie®

About Simply Delicious Lingerie

Simply Delicious Lingerie is an online boutique specializing in sexy lingerie from designers such as Carrie Amber Intimates LLC ‘SeventilMidnight’, Be Wicked and WMS Clothing. Our lingerie is the aphrodisiac of taste, and represents beauty and luxury at an affordable price. At Simply Delicious Lingerie we’ve personally selected a variety of sexy lingerie just for you and all of your sensuous rendezvous. We sell accessories, Bordello shoes, Pleaser shoes, garter sets, bridal lingerie, bridal undergarments, honeymoon lingerie, wedding day lingerie, wedding garter sets, wedding petticoats, affordable plus size lingerie, Halloween costumes, sexy plus size costumes,  fantasy lingerie, matching lingerie sets, sexy thigh high stockings, satin pajamas, plus size sleepwear, adult novelty items and sex swings including the Whip Smart Pleasure Swing. Have a lingerie party with us and experience fun!  Our mission is to take your sexy lingerie needs to the next level of comfort, intrigue, romance and sophistication. For more information or to place an order today please visit http://simplydeliciouslingerie.com/

Say YES (your everyday sexy) to Simply Delicious Lingerie! ®