The Techniques of Kissing…The Where’s and When’s

The 5 Keys:

There are times when you want that first kiss with someone to really be great, then they go and open their mouth and ruin it. Why is it that some men are so pushy? Are they in a hurry to get to a finish line, because I sure as shit don’t see the point. At my age, the kiss is generally worth the wait. I’ve found that in our younger days we were just wild and crazy, today, middle-aged and just looking for someone to make me smile is really all that matters. Even so, that first kiss could be the last first kiss if the guy is too into himself and all over you like ham on rye. Tell him to back off. A young lady that I work with recently told me a story of a really terrific guy that she liked. She was quite excited to spend some time with him getting to know him…then he opened his mouth and it all went to hell in a hand bag quickly. No girl wants to play tonsil hockey with a guy, and no one considers a real date going over his place and watching movies….PLEASE….save it for a girl who doesn’t care about her reputation,…Being pushy and lacking patience doesn’t sit well with me, nor should it with you!

Save your lips for the one that makes your heart skip a beat….then you’ll be happy that you listened to me.

1) Get your lips in proper kissing order. The most kissable lips are smooth and sweet, not dry, chapped and tense.

2)Look inviting and approachable. You might not realize it when you send a “leave me alone” message, so read up on How to Look Approachable! You don’t really want to be that person with ‘bitch’ written all across his/her face do you? Loosen up a little. Take a deep breath, isn’t so bad. Now, uncross your arms, keep your hands away from your face, make eye contact, and smile! Similarly, read his or her body language – is this person into you? Or does this person seem uncomfortable? This is KEY, so pay attention!

3)Break the “touch barrier.” Touch the person lightly on the arm or shoulder when you’re talking. Just make it a quick, innocent touch and don’t make a big deal out of it. Holding hands is also a good way to break the touch barrier. (Guys, you may want to read “How to Touch a Girl” for more ideas on how to break the touch barrier without overstepping boundaries. Girls, you may want to read “How to Touch a Guy”
for advice.) If everything is going well, try kissing the person on the cheek. If you find your lips near their ear (like if you’re hugging someone from behind, or whispering something to them) go in for a gentle kiss on the cheek and see how they respond.

4)Look at their lips. Make eye contact and then move your gaze briefly down to the person’s lips. Then move your eyes back up to meet theirs and smile demurely. You don’t have to be really obvious about it. Want to really turn them on? Lick your lips while you are gazing at theirs…it will drive him insanely crazy! Many people will take the hint, especially if they’ve read one of the many articles that lists this as a sign that a person wants to kiss or be kissed?

5)Approach for the kiss. Depending on your starting position you may need only to turn your head, or you may need to lean in a bit. You may want to use your hands to gently urge your partner’s body or head into position—you just want to guide his or her movement a little, you don’t want to forcibly move any part of his or her body or hold your partner in an uncomfortable position—but in general you just want to position yourself correctly and let your partner meet you. As you near your partner’s lips, maintain eye contact…and there you have it, badda bing badda boom you kiss him/her!

It’s D-E-F-I-N-I-T-E-L-Y In His KISS

We all think about it, in fact, for some, it’s what is thought about all evening. Why? For a lot of reasons actually. Excitement and Romance. We all want to know if his lips will win our heart or send him to the curb with a one way ticket home? It’s sort of like the game Monopoly, if you win, you get to pass go and collect your $200 buckaroos, if your kiss sucks, like the other game, your in TROUBLE!

So, when does it generally happen? At the end of a first date comes that awkward moment when you must decide if you want to kiss her or not? Do you like her enough to want to take her out again or do you feel the ole’ sister vibe where you realize throughout the evening that you’d be better off as friends? Also, if you do kiss her it had better be good to make a favorable impression. It may not be fair, but some single women will judge you on your first kiss as to whether she would be attracted to you want to date you again.

 Listen up fellas; If you are a lousy kisser, then you’re going to be a failure at creating good chemistry between you and your date. Is chemistry important on a first date? You bet it is! And if you’re a great kisser, you’re going to turn her on and have an edge on the other guys that date her that are lousy kissers. here are so many ways that first kiss can go terribly wrong, but most are easily avoided. Pay close attention here…


  • Moving too quickly
    Be careful not to startle the kissee – watch and wait for the signal to proceed.
    If you aren’t sensitive in your kissing, how empathetic and caring can you be about the rest of the realtionship…
  • Wet, sloshy, squishy, fishy kissesIf you or the kissee need to wipe your lips, or chin, dry after the kiss – well, it wasn’t ‘perfect’ was it?
  • Smothering kiss of death
    Avoid the over-passionate, insensitive kiss that leaves the kissee gasping for air.
  • Chapped, Cracked Lips
    There’s a delicate balance to lip moisture equation. The last thing you want to do is drool on your partner,’re not 5 years old here, but you definitely don’t want to leave scars with crispy, chafed lips either.
  • Too much Tongue and Too Much, Too Soon
    Keep that tongue tucked away until you get the right signals, then apply with caution – woman wants your tongue down her throat for goodness sakes, control that thing will you!
  • Dragon Breath
    A mint or two, breath saver, gum, spray – anything to get rid of gunk-mouth.
  • Weak, Wobbly or Wooden Passionless Pecks
    The swoop in and bounce out kiss is simply meaningless – unless of course you want to impart a “let’s just sort-of be friends” type of message.
  • Smacking, Clacking Loud KissesThe old “clack and smack” kills romance in a flash.

Regardless of our age, a kiss is not just a kiss…so make this one matter!


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