Drop Inches and Pounds…

Day in and day out women and men are struggling to drop weight and inches. It’s frustrating, mind boggling and oh so tiresome. We try numerous diets and do everything to get the job done and most often we fall short, get disappointed and then we eat. Sound familiar? Are you seeking a sure-fire weight loss method without all the rules and trappings of the latest fad diets? If so, you’ll relish this great news: Losing weight doesn’t have to be complicated or exhausting any longer! It can be fun and easy if you do it the right way…and yes, there is a healthy right way to drop inches and pounds without causing your body harm! 

One of the primary reasons why people don’t lose weight, even when their intentions are good, is because it feels overwhelming not to mention stressful as hell. If you can make it less overwhelming and much less stressful, you’re more likely to see success and shed those unwanted inches and pounds. Don’t try to do it all now…take baby steps. One day at a time, and after a short time, you’ll be dropping it like it’s hot!

If you look at your weight loss in small steps, it becomes much more manageable and feels like something you can do. Mindset is everything when it comes to losing weight, so don’t assume that you aren’t capable. You can do anything you put your mind to, including losing those extra pounds.

Break Down Your Weight Loss Goals

Weight loss goals that are too large – like trying to lose 50 pounds – may stop you in your tracks. Start by stating that you want to lose 10 pounds, then 20, and so on. When you start off with a higher amount of weight it could seem impossible, so you give up before you even start. You might not feel like you can lose 50 pounds, but can you lose ten pound? What about twenty? Those sound like better numbers, and they aren’t so frightening.

If you lose only one pound per week, you can achieve your 50-pound weight loss goal in less than a year. At two pounds per week, that timeline would come down to only six months. That’s a realistic time frame and a reasonable goal.

How to Lose Those Pounds

Another thing that stops people from losing weight is that they don’t know how. You can learn how to lose weight properly, though, and it’ll help you feel oh-so-much better about yourself! More confidence is an attractive quality, no matter what weight you are, so the sooner you feel better about yourself, the sooner it’ll start showing to the world. This means NO NEGATIVE NANCY!

Diet and exercise are still the keys to weight loss, but you shouldn’t look at them as short-term, painful things that you must suffer through until you reach your goal. That’s not the way to lose weight and keep it off, so avoid that mindset. 

Instead, make small changes that you can implement easily into your daily routines. Those changes will make a big difference over time. Change your lifestyle…it’s as easy as that. 

Here are 4 easy strategies you can use to drop the inches and lose weight; 

 1. Cut out just one snack or ‘bad’ food. You don’t have to change your entire way of eating overnight. You can do it by changing one food, snack, or meal at a time. For me this means no more Cheetos while I write blogs at night or work on my websites. Instead I make a small salad or grab fruit. Oh I still love Cheetos, and I can’t drop that habit, but I can eat less of them and more of something healthier for me. 

2. Find a fun way to get some light exercise. You might not feel comfortable at the gym, but you can walk in place while you watch TV, pedal a stationary bicycle, or stroll around the block with a friend or family member. I have my thigh master on my desk chair and two 15 pound weights next to my desk and I use them while I’m on my computer. Don’t sit all day in the same place, get up and move around.

3. Get help. There are plenty of support groups for people who want to lose weight. Some of them can be found online, just a click away. If that’s not for you, get a friend or family member to encourage and help you with your goals. 

4. Encourage and reward yourself. As you lose weight, remember that your new eating patterns and exercise choices will become a way of life for you. This is a long-term solution that will be worth it as your waistline decreases and your health improves. Give yourself a treat as you reach each small goal, and plan for what you’ll do as the new, happier and thinner you!!!


Simply Delicious Lingerie

Simply Delicious Lingerie is an online boutique specializing in sexy lingerie from designers such as Carrie Amber Intimates LLC ‘SeventilMidnight’, Be Wicked, Elegant Moments, Fantasy Lingerie, Raveware, and WMS Clothing. Our lingerie is the aphrodisiac of taste, and represents beauty and luxury at an affordable price. At Simply Delicious Lingerie we’ve personally selected a variety of sexy lingerie just for you and all of your sensuous rendezvous. We sell accessories, Bordello shoes, Pleaser shoes, garter sets, bridal lingerie, bridal undergarments, honeymoon lingerie, wedding day lingerie, wedding garter sets, wedding petticoats, affordable plus size lingerie, Halloween costumes, sexy plus size costumes,  fantasy lingerie, matching lingerie sets, men’s underwear, men’s lingerie, sexy thigh high stockings, satin pajamas, plus size sleepwear, adult novelty items and sex swings including the Whip Smart Pleasure Swing and our newest swing…the Fetish Fantasy Yoga Sex Swing.  Our mission is to take your sexy lingerie needs to the next level of comfort, intrigue, romance and sophistication. For more information or to place an order today please visit http://simplydeliciouslingerie.com/   

Say YES (your everyday sexy) to Simply Delicious Lingerie! ®

© This is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie®   

ArE YoU iN sHaPe?

Ladies, they say we are what we eat…so if that’s the case, I’m in big trouble… because I would be a great big Hostess Cupcake, or Chester Cheetah because I L-O-V-E cheetos! I eat bad from time to time! Yes, these foods are my downfall. I have them, you have them, we are human. We’re not perfect. We have cravings just like everybody else. Some people turn to sweets, alcohol, or nicotine, I turn to good ole’ Mr. Hostess. Is it right, no. Does it feel good? You bet it does. However, by eating these unhealthy foods for a duration of time, it weakens us and the sugar turns to fat. What does that mean? FLAB! What happens then when we eat and do not pay attention to our girlie figures? Well for starters, we develop “Jello Jigglers”…better known as  flabby arms,…don’t pretend you have no idea what that is….you know that skin that shakes and wiggles and makes up feel so uncomfortable to wear sleeveless tops and cutsie dresses…how does one shake the flab and turn it into tone flesh the ‘right way?’

Too many people do the crash diets and neglect the rules. They say we didn’t become the shapes that we are overnight, so naturally it’s not going to go away over night. Don’t just dive into trying to look super sexy and super tone. Muscle takes time. So when do we actually get the jiggles of flab and why? Underarm flab develops when people are inactive, overweight or both. People over age 40 are more likely to develop underarm flab since metabolism naturally slows and muscle strength automatically declines with age, according to MayoClinic.com. Nevertheless, you can take healthy steps toward preventing or getting rid of underarm flab, including following a proper diet and exercise program. Losing weight  and reducing overall fat, as well as participating not only in aerobic exercise but also in strength training, are crucial for eliminating underarm flab, according to Women-BodyBuilding.com. In fact, without some sort of regular strength training exercise, it’s difficult to regain lost muscle or maintain shapely arms.

What about toning your ass? What are the things that you need to do get your ass/buttocks back in shape? Please, someone tell me becuase mine needs serious help. I swear it’s genetic. All the women in my family have this ass. I’m not saying I want to lose it, I’d like to firm it up a bit. I work hard to do it, and then I get back off exercise. Only recently did I begin running again, and with my knee injury

Cardio Training

It is necessary that you need to do some cardio training when you attempt to tone your buttocks. Make sure that the cardio training that you undertake helps you work on the lower part of the body. For this, it is necessary to opt for workouts like walking, running, using the step machine or climbing the staircase. Don’t be afraid to sweat, …like milk, it does a body good!

You can start this training with a lower intensity and then improve the speed as well as the duration of the training as your body feels comfortable. In the gym, you can work on an elliptical trainer by keeping the resistance high so that the buttock gets toned.

Strength Training

Along with cardio training, it is also important that you do some strength training to

See good results. Some of the popular strength training exercises that will help you tone your lower body include squats, lunges, bridges and step exercises. With the help of this training, you will not only be able to tone your buttocks, but your entire lower body like thigh muscles and calf muscles will get into shape.

Once you start doing the lunges and squats, you can also use weights and dumbbells to see very good results. If you do a good mix of strength and cardio exercises, then you will have a good mix of exercises to tone your buttocks. Plan your workout and make it work with your schedule. Remember, one day at a time, and soon you’ll have the shapelky body you want and deserve!

Abs? Who doesn’t want a six-pack?

Getting a tone set of abdominals is not as difficult as it may seem, you do need to have a good set of exercises that fit with your fitness level. You are going to want to choose exercises that are simple, that target the muscle groups you want and that are going to require a minimal amount of equipment. There are complex exercise routines that promise you perfect results but you can get the same results using simpler techniques. The crunch is considered an effective and time-honored exercise when it comes to toning the abs. It can however be hard on certain areas of the body especially if you are doing them on a hard surface such as the floor. You can alienate some of that by elevating your feet with the use of an exercise ball or even by using your couch to rest your legs. Hey, take it slow!

This changes the stress on the back and helps to eliminate some of the issues that comes from the use of this exercises. Instead of doing sit ups consider modifying the crunch exercise to include leg work. This works the lower abdominals and when added to the crunching motion works the middle abdominal region as well. Using the legs works the lower abdominals something that can be missed with regular exercises that work the abdominals only. This is because the use of the legs are required for these exercises so motions like the twists and crunches are unable to meet the needs of toning up this area. Before getting started consider taking the time to find out what your fitness level is. Listen, don’t jump into this and think your going to look like one of those fabulous bodybuilders on t or in magazines. They take much work to get their bodies to look incredible, and they make the sacrifices that many of us don’t, can’t or won’t. It’s all in how determined you are to have the best body you can have, and the question at hand is “How bad do you want it?”

© This article is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie.

Simply Delicious Lingerie asks…..What is SEXY?

What is SEXY?

 Here is what the dictionary says:
 sex·y  – adjective, sex·i·er, sex·i·est
 1) sexually interesting or exciting

2)exciting appealing, glamorous, seductive

3)being erotically attractive to another

 Here are some sassy synonyms I found related with “sexy” appealing, arousing, attractive, beautiful, charming, captivating, cute, darling, delectable, delightful, desirable, erotic, hot, luscious, passionate, seductive, steamy, suave, sultry, vivacious, voluptuous

 Individually the traits in and of themselves might not account for someone being sexy, but when combined, they may very well result in a “sexy woman”. For example, the fact that someone is simply “suave” might not necessarily make them sexy, but being suave & attractive & vivacious could easily do the trick (where “vivacious” is defined as “full of life”, and “suave” is defined as “charming”).

 Becoming a sexier woman is one way to step it up a notch…and if you’re not exactly sure how to do this, here are a few simply delicious tips to get you on your way;

First of all, think about how other people see you? They see your body, your clothing, and the way you carry yourself,….. they see your personality. Let’s start with that.

 It’s important to understand that much of being “sexy” is attitude!!! Every girl has it, you just may not know how to use it. We’ll get back to this one in a later article. Are you upbeat & enthusiastic? or are you constantly miserable & unhappy? Do you have self-confidence, or do you just blend in? Obviously it’s more enjoyable to be around someone who is full of life and pep, as opposed to someone who is always down, (lets call her Negative Nancy) so right there you can be more appealing simply by presenting yourself as someone who is a ton of fun to be around. Your reflection will rub off! When people are put in surroundings with happy people, they become happier. You can be silly, goofy and smart all at the same time…and if someone says you can’t …they haven’t a clue on how to multi-task!

 So step #1 on the path to being more sexy is to be a confident, charming & optimistic person. Listen,… a good personality is not all it takes — you have to look good too! It would be great to have the heavenly body, but reality, in most cases says we don’t. For me, in my mid 40s I have to work harder, and keeping in shape, exercising and eating healthy isn’t something I enjoy doing everyday…..

 2-3 days a week I pop in my favorite DVD Yoga Booty Ballet and work out for 15-20 minutes. If you are a newbie to this type of work out and it seems easy,…PLEASE don’t over do it. I was one of those women who watched it and thought, “Hmmm piece of cake…I’ll do it twice and get a better work out!” Wrong, wrong wrong….oh it felt good then but two days later when I couldn’t get out of my sunken bath tub without feeling pain as all of my muscles ached, I learned real quickly that this was a NO NO! My grandmother used to say, “Rome wasn’t built over night” in a sense, we don’t pack on extra weight in one day, it comes over time, so don’t try to get rid of it in one or two fast work outs. Make sure that regardless of how others look or feel, you need to take care of you! Eat more fruits, veggies, yogurt, and whole wheat breads (they have more fiber and vitamins)…speaking of, take vitamins!! Our body needs it!

 Where am I going with this? You don’t have to be a hot sexy goddess…. BE YOURSELF! Instead of comparing yourself to others, be the best that you can be, because if you want to be sexy, you must first be happy with yourself. This is essential! After that, trust me, everything else will begin to fall into place.

 Stay tuned for Step #2…..







© This article is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie.

Where’s your Danger Zone?

Lingerie is designed with the preference that gives all women a sexual appeal by highlighting on their beautiful curves and disguising the parts that seem to be what I call the danger zones. Ladies, we all weren’t born models with tooth pick shapes and we don’t all weigh 100 pounds. If you fit this description, and you were blessed with a girlie figure, if you don’t eat healthy, don’t have to count calories, and rarely exercise to keep your shape without having to work hard for it, I’ve got a voodoo doll in my nightstand with your name on it. (Just joking!) Some of us just want to “be normal.” Some of us have flaws, cottage cheese, saggy boobs, flabby arms, baggy love handles, big belly.  We’re all proportioned differently. I have a few of my own, so I know more than anyone what it’s like to see something that you really don’t want to see….I’ll tell you what I really hate….the 3 way mirrors in dressing rooms. Why? Why do they put these here….have you tried looking in that mirror? I did and I  wanted to cry because it makes you look like you have 3 asses. (or maybe that was really all my ass…) What I am trying to say is that some pieces look good on one person, but not on another. This causes such disappointment so often to us. As we age we see our bodies differently and we go through a variety of changes.

The eye is attracted to particulars. At Simply Delicious Lingerie we’re here to help you to find out what areas to enhance and with what type of lingerie according to your figure. When our eyes catch a peek at something they like, we envision how it might accentuate us. We’ll begin to share with you in articles to come why more often than not it’s not only difficult finding the right pieces of lingerie, but discouraging to say the least! Don’t give up!! Finding various styles and designs for the short, too tall, big build, too small, petite woman, pregnant woman, big bust, no bust, big caboose, no caboose, etc., can be time-consuming, and depressing! There are some women who may be more voluptuous that others, some may be very busty, some between sizes and just wrongly proportioned. What’s a gal to do? Try to stay positive, dig down deep and find that self-esteem and make it your mission to find what lineaments reveal the best “you!”

Our goals are to teach you how to look for lingerie that shows sexual appeal. We’ll emphasize on different features of women of all sizes. Whatever your figure may be, remember, we are here to give you quality care with respect, confidentiality, and personal service.






© This is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie

How to have a nice ASS….and look good in Simply Delicious Lingerie

Oh boy ladies, have you ever noticed that sometimes, the guys aren’t really checking out your legs? Why? because they’re checking out your “ass!”  That all-important booty, firm, round, nicely shaped and squeezed perfectly into the size 0 shorts. Honestly, a 0? I don’t know about you but I haven’t been in a size 0 since…..since probably NEVER…..but you don’t have to be a zero to have a nice backside, in fact, most men that I know, and I know several tell me that they like a woman with a nice tush. Not too many men that I know of like women with a flat ass. I wouldn’t know anything about a flat ass because I was blessed with the good ole’ genetics of my Irish grandmothers tush and a variety of other features. We all blame great grandma, …but now she may have been on to something….why? The big butts are shapely, and eye catching. If taken care of you can have a well rounded tush. I use mine as a weapon.


 How can you get one like it? Discipline, diet, and exercise!

Chuck the carbs and keep the proteins coming in. Foods that are high in protein include fish, chicken and egg whites. If you need to have carbs, do so in the morning so you can make it your main source of energy for the day. Try to avoid sugar at all costs. Eat more vegetables!! I love veggies! My garden was beautiful this past summer and I ate veggies every day! Greens are so good for you. If I’m not eating a salad I am spraying ‘Pam” no stick in a pan and lightly grilling zucchini and squash. I also love doing kabobs on the grill marinated in Italian fat free dressing. I’ll dig up a recipe and provide you with it shortly. Easy to make and yum yum!


Observe moderation when eating. What does this mean? Eat slower, enjoy the savvy taste what you are consuming…don’t scarf it down in a few short minutes. Instead of having three big meals everyday, have 5-6 small meals instead. Be mindful of your portions.

 Now, about the exercise;

 Start by getting a dumbbell. Exercising to attain a toned butt can be done in a matter of weeks, if you follow a routine strictly.

 First exercise you can do is the simple squats with dumbbells. Put your back against the wall and slowly slide down into a squatting position. Repeat the set 3 times x 20 repetitions.

 Second exercise you can do is the lunges with dumbbells. Thrust forward with one leg each time while holding the dumbbell. Repeat this for both legs, in 3 sets x 20 reps.

Last exercise is the walking lunge. Pull shoulders back and stand straight. Slowly bend your knee downwards so your thigh and leg form a right angle. All this time, you should be holding your dumbbells. Pause briefly for the muscles to tighten. Then slowly raise yourself up again. Alternate knees, in three sets and 20 repetitions.

 Get on a routine of these easy things and you’ll have a rounder, more shapelier tush in no time! You’ll feel better, and I’m going to go out on a limb here, but I’ll bet that you’ll turn more heads…..follow these easy steps and you’ll have a nice ass in no time! Look through our boutique www.simplydeliciouslingerie.com  any pick out somethign fun! Use the coupon code: 10-OFf to save $10 when you total is $50 or more.