Confidence and Positive Energy …Empower Yourself!

How confident do you feel about “you?” How strong is your energy flow? When you’re feeling unsure of yourself or your capabilities, your options in life can seem few and far between. Not only do you have trouble recognizing opportunities to improve your life, you also resist taking action and end up feeling stuck and defeated much of the time. Empowering yourself is a simple matter of switching your perspective and choosing to believe that you are not powerless or stuck. Here’s a good example,… you may currently have a perception that you’re not talented or  resourceful. Such a belief will keep you locked in a cycle of fear, futility and inactivity because you won’t see the point of trying to improve your life, or you’ll be too afraid to try. Is this sounding familiar at all? You need to focus your energies on you and being a better person because you are a better person, you just have to start believing in yourself. When someone tells you that you can’t…prove them wrong.

Regardless of the perceptions and beliefs that may be holding you back, there are specific things you can do to transform them and embrace more empowering beliefs. Below you’ll find three easy ways to help you switch your perspective from disempowerment to empowerment:


1. Challenge your limiting beliefs and fears.

Here are the cold hard facts. The most difficult thing about perceptions is that they appear to be undeniable truth in your own mind. For example, you may have held a belief for years that you’re not good at a particular task or activity, but when you begin to explore that “truth” later, you realize that you never gave it your full effort or didn’t allow time to fully master it. Once you do, you realize that you’re capable of much more than you ever suspected! Yes, you can do this!

In order to fully empower yourself, get into the habit of questioning and challenging any limiting beliefs, fears and doubts that come up about you or your capabilities. Are they really true? Why do you think so? Have you ever tried to prove them wrong? By asking questions like this and being willing to expand your perceptions, you quickly realize that you are the only one holding yourself back!


2. Affirm your strengths and capabilities frequently.

Along with disempowerment usually comes a belief that you’re weak and powerless, which is simply another perception! Begin changing this perception by affirming frequently that you are strong, powerful, talented and capable. Build up yourself up with encouraging words and thoughts and you’ll begin to believe in yourself more and more each day. Over time, this belief continues to grow and you’ll be able to do things you never would have believed you were capable of before.

3. Take action.

This is no time to get down on yourself…buck up and get a grip sister! Feeling disempowered usually causes you to hold back on taking action, either because you’re frightened, or because you believe it’s futile to try to change anything. Your first impulse might be to wait until you’re feeling stronger before you take action, but did you know that taking action can make you feel stronger? That’s right, taking action can empower you! You will feel soooo good about yourself! Be willing to take action in order to build up your confidence, even if you have to take very small steps. Come up with one small action you can take, push your fear aside and then go for it! Then keep that positive cycle going by taking small action steps and moving forward bit by bit, and eventually you’ll realize that you are anything but weak and powerless!



True Love, What Is It,.. How Does One Find It?

Every year around this time (Valentine’s Day) the question arouses,…”What is true love, and how do I find it?” As Whitney Houston sang in a song…”How will I know” if he really loves me? What is true love? Well, true love…. is  that  first step to that amazing feeling you get that make you all giddy, and makes your heart skip a beat.  The” true” love is something far more than just simply falling in love. First comes the issues of trust, because without it every relationship is fated and can’t survive a long time. When you have trust in your partner you are anxiety-free. That must be shared because when the one person in the relationship believes in the other, but the other don’t do this, this leads to problems and probably to broke up. The true love is a friendship. You must to can be not only lover to your partner, you must be his friend. Real love is what we experience when two or more people come together with open hearts already filled with love, and the love from their hearts overflows as it is openly and joyously shared.

If you come to a relationship with a feeling of emptiness and unworthiness, you cannot experience real love. Real love is not the cake – it is the icing on the cake. The cake needs to be the love that comes through you from Spirit, and the icing is the love you share with another or others.Your partner must be the man from who you can ask for advice and who you can say your secrets, because he will not say to no one else this things, he wouldn’t be betrayed you. It is a true love when you can talk about everything with the person who you are in love with. Exactly the talking is the most important thing for the true love, because when the partners talk, they can find a decision to every problem, which they have. One big part of the couples breaking up, because they can’t or don’t want to talk. When the love is a true love, she can survive everything. Every problem is a test for the feelings and strength of one relationship. The true love is help. When you really love someone you are ready to help him right away and to do everything for him.

Of course this must be shared. The true love is care, because when you are in love with someone you make everything that your partner can feel fine and loved. When the love is a true love this fact automatically eliminates the egoism, because now you are not alone and you must thing about the wishes, which have the person with who you are. When you love someone you want to make him happy. The true love means support too. The feeling when you know that by you stands someone who loves you and every time will support you, is really great. One love is true when the two in the relationship are frank and honest.

 When you became well familiarize with your partner, you will find his entire blemish, but you must not aspire to remove them. If your partner’s love to you is real he will make everything possible to remove them himself. When two people can make so that their character fit and when they can make compromises that mean that these people love each other and their love is a true love. To find the true love means to find a perfect match for you, your half. The people are saying that everyone has a half somewhere.If and when anyone is lucky enough to find this, hold on to it, enjoy your time together and be thankful that you found such a wonderful person.



How to get your beautiful smile noticed….

Do you like your smile? It makes you who you are…those soft elegant lips that are so becoming can derail a mans train of thought if used properly.  Truth be told, most people admit that they are not completely comfortable with their smile. Some people will say it is because they hate the placement of their teeth, while others will blame it on the color of their teeth. Almost everyone would like their teeth to be a bit straighter and a bit whiter. Natural looking teeth are very attractive  especially when they are healthy and bright. You can have a gorgeous smile without braces or professional whitening treatment. Just use these tips to help you get a better smile you feel comfortable sharing with the everyone. When your smile is exquisite, you’ll feel like a million bucks!

How’s your Hygiene?

Are you doing everything that you can to promote good hygiene? You know, it’s not just about your looks but fashion and how you wear it sure has a lot to do with it. I will  not a lie that proper hygiene can make or break your smile. To have the best looking smile you possibly can, be sure to see your dentist at least twice a year. Having two cleanings a year is a great way to keep your teeth gleaming. If you have things going on in your mouth that need fixed, make that dental appointment and get  your cavities taken care of right away! The longer you let them go, the better the chance is that the decay will spread to other teeth in the area. Decay is not attractive and can make your smile look less than fabulous. Remember, you need to care for your teeth yourself. This means that you should brush your teeth at least two times a day. Make sure you brush them for two minutes at a time as well; one minute for the upper teeth and one minute for the lower teeth. Floss daily to help prevent decay and show off that beautiful smile because a man loves sexy lips and a beautiful smile. Take care of you, your body is the only one that you’ll ever have so for goodness sakes, take care of it!

What are you Drinking?

A gorgeous smile requires more than just proper dental hygiene. To maintain bright teeth you should take a good look at your diet. Although most people know calcium is good for your bones, it is also important when it comes to your teeth. Milk is great for ensuring your teeth will be bright and healthy. Milk is a great choice of drink for a gorgeous smile, but some drinks can do more harm than good. Dark cola, coffee, and tea can change the shade of your teeth. All of these dark drinks can stain your enamel, leaving your smile dingy instead of bright. You should steer clear of these beverages in large amounts and stick with water or light-colored drinks. If you do indulge in a dark drink, try to brush your teeth immediately after consuming it. This will help stop the cycle. I fail in this department. Although I have a great smile, no thanks to my parents who put braces on my teeth at age 10, I take care of my choppers BUT I drink Coke and my teeth stain, so naturally I try to work on this issue by drinking martinis.

Do you wear makeup?

For females, the shade of lipstick you wear can determine how bright your smile and teeth look so many the color choice count! Women who wear lipsticks with orange tones in them will automatically seem to have yellow toned teeth. The orange tones bring out the yellow tones in your teeth, even if your teeth are healthy and bright. For the brightest looking teeth, consider lipsticks with pink or purple undertones. These colors help your teeth look whiter and will give your smile a boost. Wearing no lipstick at all can make your teeth look dingy as well, so be sure to at least smooth on some lip gloss before going out. Find the shade that works best with your skin tone and promote it.

How about using whiteners?

Many dentists will advise their patients to try over-the-counter whiteners. You can find agents to whiten your teeth in gel or cream forms. You can also find products as teeth strips or mouthpieces. All of these products will whiten your teeth safely over time. You must be consistent however and use them as directed. Do not use them more than directed however, or you may put yourself at a health risk. These whiteners are inexpensive and work well. You can also use toothpaste with whitener in it daily for an overall brighter smile.

Just Be You!

No matter if your teeth are a little crooked or as straight as an arrow, to have a gorgeous smile, you must be comfortable with yourself and this means having confidence! Wear your smile proudly. It is a part of you and people will love your smile more if you love it yourself. The way that you smile says a lot about you as a person. Those that smile with wide grins are usually comfortable with themselves. You need to learn to march to the beat of your own drum, that’s what carries me.  Decide that you are going to be happy with your smile and others will notice! Remember, you are simply delicious and there is only one YOU!!





Are You a Good Smoocher?

What is romance without a kiss? Everyone wants that romantic smooch and that feeling that their feet lift off the ground when the perfect lips touch yours! So what makes you a good smoocher or a great smoocher? When wishing for romance, your kisses had better be good to make a favorable impression. It may not be fair, but some will judge you on your first kiss as to whether or not they will want to see you again.

In other words, there needs to be good chemistry when kissing. As Faith Hill once sang….”This Kiss” ….Yes , it is all about that one second when time stands still, it is ALL ABOUT THE KISS!!!! A good kiss delivers a super pack of  powerful impact! If you’re a great kisser, you’re going to turn your date on and you will have a definite edge. IF you suck at kissing, you have some serious work to do and a lot of practice is necessary. A good/great kiss makes the difference…a bad kiss will end the date and you’ll never hear from him/her again.

What distinguishes a good kisser from the kisser we all want to forget? The key is to be soft and gentle and follow their lead. Here are some good romantic kissing tips to enhance your love life:


  • Be careful not to startle – watch and wait for the signal to proceed
  • Avoid the ‘ambush’ kiss (although these can be exciting as your relationship progresses.)
  • Look deeply into your partner’s eyes. This will send the message that you like them and want to be closer to them. Look for their signals as well.
  • Look for a warm, kind smile (even a slight smile is good; it doesn’t have to be BIG.)
  • Pay attention to the look on your loved one’s face. This will indicate where they want to go with this kiss.


  • Look for good balance. As you move closer to that magical kiss, you don’t want to be leaning too forward awkwardly to get there.
  • As you move closer you are sending signals. You want your body to be in a comfortable position during the kiss, so you can enjoy every moment of it.
  • Go for a light touch just before the kiss. While a hand lightly on the face is a definite signal of intimacy, holding hands combined with eye contact and a warm look can indicate the beginning of a great kiss to come.
  • Make sure you are aligned correctly at this point. This means not only getting your lips on track with theirs, but getting the head tilted correctly as well.
  • Tilt your head slightly to one side first. Your partner will likely react and tilt the other way. This is a mutual sign that the kiss will be very welcomed.


  • Relax your lips, close your eyes.
  • Move in slowly. During step number two you made sure the two of you were aligned correctly, now you can close your eyes as you’re just about to make contact.
  • Relax your lips, not tightly pressed together. Give your partner the pleasant experience of feeling your lips softly against theirs.
  • Your lips should be recently moistened, but not wet.


  • Relax your lips, tilt your head and breathe evenly.
  • Moving in, you can part your lips slightly just before contact. Keep your lips relaxed, your tongue in your mouth.
  • Keep your head tilted so both of you can still breathe comfortably on contact and as the perfect kiss is held…

S A V O R every moment … be slow, gentle, easy.


  • Keep it sweet, not too long and not too wet.
  • Don’t pull away too quickly or make any quick movements. Savor. Savor. Savor. Feel the power and romance of the kiss.

Enjoy the moment!


  • Take your time and don’t rush. Make eye contact, nonverbal and verbal messages.
  • To end, pull away slowly and make eye contact again. Show a satisfied, warm smile to reinforce how you feel.
  • Enjoy the closeness, relax, and finish the kiss with a warm embrace.

Are You a Bad Girl?

There is something to be said about having fun…..Cyndi Lauper said it best……”Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” …A bad girl loves to have fun. She has the image of Rico Suave in the woman version. She is classy, but brassy, can stay out all night partying, drink herself into a stupor, and still get up the next day and be ready for round two. She’ll laugh and be flirtatious, and make men want more from her, turn them on without even trying, and oh yes she will tease!

  A bad girl is exciting, and if they want to see exciting, I think you owe it to yourself and to them to give them a “Bad Girl”…….So what are they defined as honestly? On the contrary to what some think, not only are they wicked sexy and bitchy…..Bad girls are walking adrenaline rushes! For her, life is a roller coaster ride, she loves the ups and the downs….and it’ll get your blood singing just to be along for the trip. Go bungee jumping, go on dangerous roller coasters, sky-dive; Just for the thrill of it all, why….they love to live life dangerously, and by the seat of their pants. I like to live with adventure and danger sometimes,… the seat of my pants, but I come prepared with life jacket.

  Clean yourself up and for God sakes…… turn on the hot girl magic! 

 Bad girls are definite knockouts. Bad girls are usually very eye-catching with jaw-dropping figures. That’s right, you know the ones,….where you have to tell your spouse or partner to pick his chin up because it hit the floor hard enough! These gals, you guessed it …..they are the basic “hot babes.” They know how to walk the walk and strut their stuff. They get off on being the center of attention! How so? They wear miniskirts, strapless tops, sandals, dark colors, skinny jeans, high-heels (stay away from clear, though, because clear high heels has slut written all over it…not to self, I never knew that…..) and stay far away from flats if you want to have the bad girl image. If you are taking your nieces and nephews to the park or gardening all day….then flats or sneakers are OK. A bad girl has to be sexy! She’ll throw party’s with men and have fun with them!!!

 Build your confidence and be sassy! 

 Above all, a bad girl knows that she’s hot and that she can do, say, and get anything that she wants. She is always in control and like me she has to have it her way or the highway! If you can appreciate your beauty and your personality, you’re already on the path to confidence. If you need a boost,….we’re relaunching our website for Simply Delicious Lingerie in 1 week and we have killer deals, and sexy clothes in every category. Check out our “$9.99 sale” tab where we have the latest in styles and fashions all for under ten bucks! We’re not just lingerie…..we have club wear, boots, heels from 3-6 inches and a selection that will go with everything! It’s sassy, seductive and just what the bad girl needs!

 Tell me something gals…..Have you had that feeling of denial when you found out that those guys weren’t talking about you, but rather your sexy friend? Didn’t it make you feel bad? I’ve been there…. Every woman’s been through it before. Those days are long over if you’re ready to revamp your style and turn every one’s heads. Where do you start? I’ll have an article on that shortly, so stay tuned!  No matter what your hair color, body shape, or eye color, you too can become sexier! Please though, just remember don’t ever try to change yourself and who you are for someone else. You need to be happy with you…that’s all that really matters. If other people don’t like it, tell them to kiss your ass. It’s SO not worth it, and they my friend, are not your friends at all nor might they be the man you want to involve yourself with! Unleash the bad girl in you!



Do You Still Get Butterflies?

Ahhhhhh the anticipation of seeing them, Yes, in all reality we’re all familiar with the feeling of butterflies in the stomach when starting dating a person who really excites us. Contrary to common belief, not only women experience this feeling of excitement,  men do too,…do they admit it? What do you think? Not often….It’s not something that only women have or something of which men should be embarrassed of. I find it intriguing that a man gets these feeling too. They can be quite difficult to read at times, nonetheless, I seek a romantic at heart. Often, it’s just getting him to unleash that bashful side a little and let his guard down. Guys always think that have to be tough, when in fact, I like a man who can lay his cars on the table, share with me his desires, and be blunt if need be. I get butterflies when I see a particular man, but he doesn’t know it. For me it’s not something I’ve experienced for a long time. The difference, however, is that men tend to keep their excitement for themselves whereas women simply radiate happiness. We glow! We yap, we laugh, we think too much….sometimes over analyzing things until they drive us nuts!

 The sign of happiness in men may be better hidden but with a bit of attention you can still notice. Look in his eyes… can usually tell what they are feeling to a certain degree. Read more about the new relationship rush and how your body reacts to your feelings towards a particular girl.Many women wonder whether men do feel butterflies from time to time. Since most men don’t really do a great job of express their feelings, many girlfriends (or girlfriends to be) are disappointed because they do not seem to get a clue of what their partner is feeling or whether they are as excited as they are because of the new relationship. But the fact that some men admit to feeling butterflies, allows us to generalize and say that man’s experience love in quite a similar manner, even though they pretend to be all macho about it.

 So, when experiencing the new love excitement, as a man, what is there to do? Hide it or enjoy it? If you ask me, the best is to enjoy this new relationship rush for as long as you can . But the truth is, after a while, it will fade away and you might feel sorry that you didn’t enjoy it. For many, dating is the best part of a relationship.The new girl, the new situations and mainly getting to know that person next to you in different types of situations makes relationships so much fun in the first place. Some men, on the other hand, might try to elongate the effects of the butterflies. Big mistake. Butterflies flutter around in you belly for only so long. With smaller fluttering comes a new stage in the relationship, supposedly already paved through from butterfly time experiences. Personally…’s exciting to know that even after a relationship develops a man or woman can still get butterflies….I find it quite emotional, not to mention with each individual we have eclectic tastes, so woo her/him and let nature take its course.








© This is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie

Penthouse Party at My Pole… Coming Soon!


 This is a portable pole dancing kit, designed to let you have lots of fun, work out, and feel sexy at the same time! The Penthouse Party at my Pole Kit has everything you need to pole dance almost anywhere! It is easy to install, easy to take down, and easy to carry any place you like! As a truly professional pole dancing kit, this pole will easily handle spins, upside down moves, and any other advanced techniques. It is also great for beginners, since having a great pole to start your pole dancing adventure is crucial for you to learn and dance successfully!

FUN! One person easy installation will guarantee you will be dancing your way to a healthier and sexier self in no time. Upgrade play and have fun with the included pasties and stickers! The fun music mix CD has the perfect tunes to get you feeling super sexy.

PORTABLE! The Penthouse Party at my Pole is very easy to take down and carry with the included carry bag. You can pole dance almost anywhere. Think you don’t have the room in your home or office for a pole? Think again! With the quick set up you can be ready to dance in minutes, and easily store your pole away when you are finished. I am sure you will be able to find some space in your living room to feel sexier and shed a few pounds.

 This is a portable pole dancing kit, designed to let you have lots of fun, work out, and feel sexy at the same time! The Penthouse Party at my Pole Kit has everything you need to pole dance almost anywhere! It is easy to install, easy to take down, and easy to carry any place you like! As a truly professional pole dancing kit, this pole will easily handle spins, upside down moves, and any other advanced techniques. It is also great for beginners, since having a great pole to start your pole dancing adventure is crucial for you to learn and dance successfully!

*** Every Kit Includes – 50 mm Chrome Finish Portable Pole – Sexy Stickers – Carry Bag – Music Mix CD – Pasties FUN! One person easy installation will guarantee you will be dancing your way to a healthier and sexier self in no time. Upgrade play and have fun with the included pasties and stickers! The fun music mix CD has the perfect tunes to get you feeling super sexy. PORTABLE! The Penthouse Party at my Pole is very easy to take down and carry with the included carry bag. You can pole dance almost anywhere. Think you don’t have the room in your home or office for a pole? Think again! With the quick set up you can be ready to dance in minutes, and easily store your pole away when you are finished. I am sure you will be able to find some space in your living room to feel sexier and shed a few pounds! For use on ceilings from 7′ 6″” to 9 and can easily support up to 250 lbs. Watch for this coming soon at





Are You Kinky in the Bedroom?

kink·y [ kíngkee ]   
  1. sexually deviant: being or engaging in unusual sexual practices that may be considered deviant
  2. sexually provocative: intended to be provocative or sexually alluring, usually by being deliberately unusual or bizarre
  3. eccentric: behaving in an unusual, idiosyncratic way

women like kinky sex

Even the most prudish woman can be convinced to partake in the most lascivious and lewd sex acts. Don’t believe me? It’s entirely possible. Despite rumors, more often than not, women are actually deviant sex goddesses waiting to be released from their good-girl prisons. The main factor when introducing new games to the bedroom is preparation; there should be very few surprises. This means — oh yes, you guessed it — lots of talking… preferably before you leap into bed.Hey guys, just remember this,…timing is not everything, but it sure rates highly. Educating her is paramount. Making it seem like her idea in the first place is simple genius… if you can pull it off.

 So what can you do to entice this? Well, the top suggestions I’ve posted:

 Spanking: The problem with spanking is it gets better the more you do it, and the first couple can sting quite badly. Let her spank you back. Have a good spanking session, laugh your heads off and spank each other silly. The eroticism will come later. Don’t spank every session unless requested. 

Biting: The success of your nibbles relies heavily on pressure, timing and frequency. Keep it light, only do it while in the absolute throes of passion, and don’t do it often. If you want her to bite you, instruct her on the art — she is unlikely to just know how you like it. Don’t ever bite breasts or vaginas unless expressly asked to. Leaving marks is not desirable.

Tie me down

Imagine lying down on your bed waiting for your partner, everyone does this so don;t say you never have…. Suddenly your hands are handcuffed and you get blindfolded. You have no idea what’s happening when your partner whispers in your ear, ‘Honey, submit yourself.’ He caresses you and takes you on a journey where all your desires seem to be fulfilled. Imagine! You are bound to reach the ultimate point of satisfaction.

How About Role Play?

When you are bored with your routine sex life and love making becomes ‘just another task, try making it fun (instead of faking that headache). Role-playing is a must-try for those who wish to fulfill their sexual fantasies. Think of some interesting scenarios and don some exciting costumes and let your imagination guide you. Dress up like a maid, or a teenager, or try more mature roles like MILF or a teacher seducing a student. Guys could enact the role of a cow boy, or a cabana boy. Gals love the pool boy fantasy!

 Deliciously unexpected

Kinky sex is all about ‘revealing’ your wild side. If you are mild and sober in your real life, be the king of the fantasy world. Dominate the bedroom moves. Do something that she wouldn’t normally anticipate.

 Sex Toys and Aduklt Novelties

While many use them to satisfy themselves when their partner is away, you can try them when your partner is with you. The reason? Multiple orgasms. Dildos, vibrators, Wen ba balls are some toys you could try to kick-start a heated sexual frenzy. At Simply Delicious Lingerie we have an adult novelty section that is sure to heat up the bedroom. Try the Delicious Deals Whip Smart Swing for you and your partner is a best seller and right now it’s HALF OFF!

 Dance, baby, dance

A seductive dance is all it takes to woo your partner. Guys could try the American Pie dance (at your own risk) and girls could do the sexy pole dance. Play her favourite song in the background and do a close dance. Slowly touch her and feel her and you are all set for a hot and sexy night. At Simply Delicious Lingerie we sell poles too! They are on sale now~
 Remember though ladies, this isn’t all about what the ‘man’ can do for you…perhaps you are the submissive one that wants to dance your way into his pants. It doesn’t have to happen in a matter of minutes, in fact, we like to tease and take it nice and slow….Remember though, the same rules as mentioned above can and do apply just reverse a few of them and watch the bedroom heat turn up and the kinky come out….


Why do Men Chase After the Cougars?

Most often we have to wonder….Why do men chase Cougars? If you’re familiar with the movie “The Graduate”, where a young Dustin Hoffman has an affair with the older and mature Mrs. Robinson, you may have a small grasp of why younger men sometimes like older women. Come on now, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to connect the dots on this puzzle. Here in America, it’s rare but not uncommon for a younger man to be with an older woman. It’s appealing, its seductive but most of all it is also alluring. So what is it that an older woman seems to have verse a younger gal? A mature woman provides several attractive qualities.

 The allure comes in several forms:

 Older women are taboo; taboos are attractive

It’s a cultural taboo for a younger man to date a mature woman. It’s usually the other way around: an older male with a younger female.

 Much like the forbidden fruit, older women are theoretically off-limits for younger guys. While it may be uncommon for a 21 year-old man to date a 31 year-old woman, it’s certainly not illegal. People would probably view the interaction as a novelty. It is life though and it is going on all around us. I was approached by a handsome younger man who came right at me and told me that he prefers older women because we are more mature and less fuss. He is actually turned on by women my age. I am 48, he is a very mature 34. I suck at guessing a mans age so naturally I thought he was older….Flattered by this, sure I am.

 So ladies…if you think hitting 40 or 50 has turned you into an old maid, think again…you’re not too old to get hot and sassy with some Simply Delicious Lingerie and go after what you want, or to allow the chase to begin. Some young men prefer older woman, and I say that there is nothing wrong with that and everything right! It’s nice at our age to be known as the “forbidden fruit” isn’t it? Taboo? Nah, I just think that the men that are younger that go after women in my age group who still take care of themselves and look well, are ranking high in the friends talk…everyone wants to know how that match came about?

 In theory, it’s no ones business. Honestly, Imagine being at the bar a younger man with his friends where  many younger women are approaching him and he turns to the beautiful sassy older woman in the crowd? Not only has this just made every mans jaw hit the floor in the room, but he feels like a million bucks and you are honored for the opportunity to get to know this young man who went out of his way to get noticed by you. I’ll say it again, the LBD works wonders. Ladies, guys like simple and sexy at whatever again…lose the layers of make up and go more natural…you will look more appealing than you ever imagined without even having tried to.

Much like the forbidden fruit, older women are theoretically off-limits for younger guys. While it may be uncommon for a 21 year-old man to date a 31 year-old woman, it’s certainly not illegal. People would probably view the interaction as a novelty.

 Mature women make men feel more comfortable, yes you heard it, we are more at ease.Young women have less experience with men and tend to be less stable in general than older women. Men like women who make them feel comfortable, emotionally. We are less work…that’s what I’m trying to say I think….? Also, as far as sexual maturity goes, women tend to peak in their late twenties, while men peak around age 18.

 Very often, young women may have hundreds of men chasing after them; this makes a young man feel the pressures of competition from other males.Older women offer an alternative. It’s nice to feel attractive; in the eyes of a mature woman, a young man may be a very attractive object. We no longer feel the need to chase, or play that dreaded old ‘cat and mouse’ game. We have matured and become much more focused on life and what we want out of it. Nonetheless, there are women who chase younger men just the same…Perhaps there is something to be said about the chase? There is a class of women known colloquially as “cougars”, these women are typically professional, attractive, and earn middle-class incomes without the help of a man.  These are the women who are determined to live a happy life with or without a man because they are well-balanced and happy with who they are. Personally I think that us older women have the edge on dating, and having a younger spouse. I think that age is just a number. It depends truly on one’s integrity as well as their maturity level.Look out all you younger women who think that us older gals are heading down the road to loneliness, news flash! There is a cougar crossing…so get out of our way!

Birthdays Are Meant To Be Celebrated!

What is a birthday? It’s a celebration of your life… You are marking the amazing event of you coming into this world. That’s worth celebrating no matter how old you are.  Many people believe that every person is a miracle.  Birthdays are a nice way to celebrate this miracle. Somehow time seems to creep up on us so quickly and year after year we age gracefully, well,…at least I do. Is it just me or do we all tend to take birthdays pretty much for granted? When it is someone’s birthday we often celebrate with cake and ice cream or  have a birthday party for them, with a cake and presents and sing everyone sings “Happy Birthday To You!” Do we really know when did the custom of celebrating one’s date of birth start to become important?

 Birthdays are a public declaration of a new phase in your life. From childhood to adulthood, every time we reach one of the milestones, the expected behavior from that individual changes. With age comes new roles and norms. These changes include how to behave in public, how to dress, and  how to talk.  How many times have you heard someone say, “Isn’t she is too old to wear that?”

Truth be told, our birthdays are simply a validation of identity and existence.  Directly or indirectly, we evaluate ourselves against our life plan.  How many times have you said to yourself, “At this age I will be married” or “at this age I will be ready for retirement”.  Birthdays make us think, who are we? and where am I in my life?

Did you know that many cultures associate specific birthdays with certain rites of passage? This is quite true. Hispanic girls look forward to their Quinceñeara, a sort of coming-out party, when they turn 15. Jewish children, of course, look forward to their Bar Mitzvah (for 12-year-old boys) or their Bat Mitzvah (for 13-year-old girls). This is, I understand, a huge event for the kids, requiring months of study, a public ceremony, and lots of gifts.

 Ahhhh now your talking….lets discuss the gifts. What woman doesn’t like getting presents and surprises? Isn’t that enough of a  reason to celebrate birthdays right there? Adults, I believe, like to celebrate birthdays because we look at our birthday as “our big day.” Dinner out, a small gift or two, a generally good day at work (maybe with a cake or other goodies provided by co-workers), and we’re pretty happy. As we get older (as I am rapidly doing!) it’s nice to acknowledge that we made another “trip around the sun” without anything major falling off!

 As we grow older gracefully and gravity begins to set in, we remember that we are not as young as we used to be…but we sure do like to continue acting like don’t we? Sure we make mistakes, but I’ve learned from mine, and with age as my grandmother used to say comes wisdom. What am I doing for my birthday? I’m having dinner with my parents, someething that I’ve not had the opportunity to do in 28 year because I’ve been living out of state with my children.

 Although this day (January 18) will be most special for me, my heart will be sad without my kids at my side. For me you see, this is the first year that I’ve not been around them on my special day to celebrate. They are living as young independent adults out of state. On this day as I grow older and more mature, I look at how I have grown from a single mother raising two children solo to becoming independent and a business owner. I still making mistakes, but I learn as I go that life isn’t about perfection, it’s about the values and morals that we learned at younger ages that followed us throughout the years and carried us through to this time in our life where we can look at our children, and reflect upon just how well we were raised and with such love.


When we are young we cannot wait until we get older, and when we grow old we find ourselves looking back at our past and wondering how time slipped by so quickly? I have been so blessed with wonderful friends and a loving family and I could not be happier. Does age matter? No. You are as young as you feel. Do I feel any older turning 48 than I did turning 30? Nope. Few more wrinkles, and a couple extra pounds, but today I am cancer free, sassy, spunky and at times a real ball of fire…I wake up each and everyday thankful that I am alive and breathing and able to enjoy the simple things in life. I still have my sense of humor…most all of my teeth and no gray hair. I’d say that has to count for something? Age doesn’t make me fearful, it make me realize every 365 days that the good Lord has kept me here another year for a reason and I intend to make the best of it.