Men’s Sexy Underwear….Simply Delicious Lingerie ®

For so long I have been asked, why do you sell lingerie? They can’t seem to understand it, so I tell them that I do it because I love to wear it, and those who do wear it gives them a sense of confidence that shines from the inside out. Everyone has their own sense of style, and likes a certain fit. Find what works best for you and your body.What looks good on you may not at all look well on myself.

At we take great pride in hand selecting each item with you, our customer in mind. We are in business, because “you” are our business and we thank you so graciously! Never heard of us? Don’t take our word that we’re good and that we have kick ass customer service, Google us. Bing us, Yahoo, and MSN search us and you will see that we stand behind our name, and our reputation is what will drive our lingerie boutique to the top!  


 What types of sexy mens underwear do we carry? I’m glad that you asked!

Boxer shorts

Most of us are familiar with the all-around-elastic shorts. They have the advantage of offering completely free leg movement. I am a fan of boxer shorts because you can find them in all variety of styles, materials, prints and designs to fit best your Romeo.

I believe they are the most flattering style of underwear. Most boxer shorts have an opening in the front. The opening can be closed with a button or left alone as the design allows for the material to overlap and fully cover the opening.


1) In an emergency if the guy has to run away wearing only his undies, at least they can pass as shorts

2) They hide quite a large area so there is room for imagination.

 3) They have plenty of room for nature’s work.


The Jockey-style briefs appeared in the late 1930s. Personally, I cannot think about briefs without thinking about Homer Simpson! But having a quick look at the latest trends it appears that briefs are not that “bad” at all anymore. Companies have made briefs fashionable and I must admit with much effort, they are naturally quite sexy. The classic brief is an underwear staple. If you’re looking for the perfect brief to stock up on, start buying the 100% cotton essential that’s super soft and easy to wear.

Boxer briefs

Boxer-briefs are longer than regular briefs, but are fitted so men feel more comfortable: A compromise between boxers and briefs. They are mostly worn by the sporty man as they offer good support but look sexy. They look great in well-built bodies and women drool when we see our men in them. These are probably the ones that I love the most. They are sexy and a super big turn on.

G-String or Thong Underwear

Named after the G-string on a guitar, it is a type of thong with a very minimal amount of fabric and a string-like appearance. In all seriousness, people ask me (mostly men) from time to time….Michele, who actually wears these besides strippers? Does anyone actually know a guy who owns one of these? Oh,…you’d be surprised. A lot of men wear these, and they love them!

Buy yours today! Our site is about to add new selections to the Gentlemen’s Section. Check us out!


© This article is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie.

Men….Why are they so Unpredictable?

Follow your heart? I did that…Now….perhaps we really do need to follow our gut?  Have you ever noticed that when things in your life are starting to go well; starting to come together, along comes someone who wants to bring you down? It could be a friend; it could be a close relative…but it is someone who just can’t stand allowing you to be happy for a minute….Those sad and sorry types of individuals will try to bring you down to their level of gloom. Don’t let it happen. Trust me, they will find every excuse in the book to make you feel horrible, and tell you that it’s not you….they are right, it’s not you….it is them. They are the ones who will go to bed lonely at night and it will be those that wallow in their own self-doubt. We can only try so hard and then we crack.

 Don’t bother getting angry. Don’t bother trying to educate them, either, because they aren’t ready to listen to you, don’t barter, don’t beg, don’t whine….just walk away. They’ll have to figure that out on their own when they realize that the blame and gloom game does not get them anywhere good. When things are going well for you, you just keep on smiling. Stay sweet, stay the course, and don’t let those whiners, the hostile, and the just plain nut cases get you down. Believe me, they will try their best. Don’t take two steps forward to go three back…..

 Yes, they’ll try to make your dreams fizzle; they’ll tell you it’s not going to work – whatever you’re trying, they’ve already done it, and it didn’t work. It’s not you, it’s them. It’s time to put this in your past and move on. Don’t waste your time on someone you saw as a hopeful, when he never saw you as anything other than a possibility.

 Next year at this time, your life will be that much richer, and theirs will still be the same if not worse. A word to the wise, don’t spend your energy trying to save their sinking ship, because you are not at the helm of that ship – they are. If anyone is going to drive it straight into the deep blue sea, they will. Why? I have no idea. Fear of rejection? Fear of over anticipation followed by let down? Fear of fear itself? Dunno…

 Yes, life is full of problems. And??… and nothing. Nothing is ever certain, nothing is ever planned out, and nothing or no one can predict the future…so why worry about tomorrow when you haven’t made it through today? Don’t over analyze life and what may or may not happen, in the end you’ll find yourself alone, watching other happy couples and wondering why you can’t have what they to and the truth at hand is…you did have it, or you could have had it…and you were on your way to a better kind of life and happiness, …..way to go….you threw it away, and for what? ……because you thought you had some differences? What about all of the similarities? I guess that with some people all of the good things you have and the enjoyable time together simply doesn’t matter….

 We can handle life and we keep going, why? It’s our mechanism and how it runs….Today, I am a workaholic, or so that’s what some call me….but that is only because I am tired of letting employers rule my life for a minimal salary. I deserve better. My life won’t always be like this and I do know when its time to walk away. I thrown my energy into my work because I haven’t had someone good in my life to make me want to do anything else…..I was quite content with my life for years until one day I woke up and decided that I was tired of people beating me into the ground, taking my ideas and putting their names on them to get the credit, and getting the promotions and raises while I stayed in a salary or at times even an hourly paying job barely making ends meet. I studied, got book smart, street smart and started my own business. Seems like once you start one, it paves the way to starting another. I don’t do this for me….No, I do this so that someday my kids will have life easier than I did and they will have something that I built from the ground up with all of my heart and soul to remember me by, even if it’s only a “mom & pop” type business, it will  have been built on a foundation based on LOVE! What better gift other than love can one ask for?

 In relationships, men turn our worlds upside down and then they decide that it;s not a good fit? Guess what guys, there isn’t a perfect fit. There will always be differences, and debates, but part of being in a good relationship is having our own opinions and supporting the other persons because you know that makes them happy. Why can’t we figure out men? What makes them so difficult to read? ….and why do they think we are the ones that are hard to read?

 Frankly, life is about failures, and learning….. that takes up almost 90% of it, whether it be in work or love – balance is the key…..then you just keep going. You don’t give up. You just try to be a better person, and the bigger person. We ALL have issues and we all have problems – but we can still be joyful and thankful for the good things in our life, our friends who will always be our friends, and for our family. My problem is……I want the fairy tale, I want prince charming, he doesn’t have to ride in on or horse or fly his own jet….I would have been happy with the man who was a soccer dad and lived a simple life because at heart, I am simple….it’s just sad that he didn’t see it because he was looking too far ahead…..and he couldn’t see the forest through the trees. Ladies, if this sounds familiar, don’t give up…..don’t stop searching for your own true happiness…..I don’t, why? Because I am  a dreamer.



 © This is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie

mEn…STrOng as a MuLe aNd TwIcE aS StUbBorN…

Ladies, do you know a man, or are you interested in a man who repeatedly tries to push you away and gives you ludicrous reasons that really make no sense at all?  If so, this is the article for you to read. Maybe he’s insecure, or just hurt from previous relationships? Our past has a way of often keeping us in our past no matter how hard we try to push forward. Here are some tips of things you can do to try to without him thinking that you’re only trying to “woo” him and show him that you aren’t like other women. Whether he wishes to drop his wall long enough to see you waiving the “white flag” is up to him. No amount of talking you can do will change him, so don’t even try, it must come from within. Some men change their ways and some just appear to be destin to be a train wreck! He might be stubborn as a mule, but inside there is a good man who needs to be reminded that woman are not all evil. Don’t give up…but don’t give in all that easily either. When you make yourself too attentive to his needs, you’ll find sooner than later that it is “you” that is going to get the short end of the stick. Although I am in no way saying a relationship like this is not possible, I’m stating that if you meet a man like this sometimes the best thing to do is to let him go. Here are a few tips for you to read up on. Quite important, so take the time to read this;

Tip#1: Don’t ever ever ever give a man more than he gives you.

This is what I would call a LOSING BATTLE! Here’s the 4-1-1; Love, and inspiring a man to fall in love with you forever, is all about you being able to receive love. Sure most of us only know how to give. We give for lots of reasons – because we’re taught that’s the way to get to a man’s heart (it isn’t) because we see other women do it, and because deep down, it feels uncomfortable and scary to be vulnerable enough to really get what love is actually? What do I mean by this? When you shower him with affection, attention, dinners, gifts, and always go out of your way, it makes him think of you as a mother or a friend instead of inspiring his emotional desire for you. Knock that shit off. Make him come to you. He doesn’t need a road map to your door, if he cares about you enough, he’ll get there all by himself. He’s a big boy.

Tip#2: Do NOT give away exclusivity if he hasn’t yet committed… Mama didn’t raise no FOOL!

Here’s how it works ladies, and this is in all reality…We become totally, emotionally invested in a man when we’re exclusive with him because he has all our time and attention. There’s no way we can stop wondering about where the relationship is going? Right?  But the more we think about it and talk about it, the more we push a man away. In this case, we are damned if we do, and damned if we don’t. It’s like that Katy Perry song, “Hot & Cold” they (and when I say they, I am referring to “MEN”) don’t know what the hell they want. Grow up boys! Nice women like us are really hard to come by, so if you’re looking for a way to really throw a monkey wrench in this it’s working! The problem with most men is that they let the wrong people into their lives, and then they tend to push the “right” people out, this including potential lovers or mates. Why? They are afraid to get hurt, again?

When you can think of it in these terms, it’s easier to keep your options open and keep your personal power in the relationship. Rather than talking about the relationship or threatening him with ultimatums, which you NEVER EVER EVER want to do….you can continue to keep your options open by dating other men. This way, you keep your class, your power, your boundaries, and he has to work to get you, as he very well should, especially if he is acting like a jerk.

Tip#3: Don’t go out of your way, if he is acting weird and distant!

Yes, this sounds unfair, and yet, who pays is often the difference in his mind between friends hanging out together and a “date.” If you can dish it out he’ll take it…but what about when they tables are turned? Perhaps he feels threatened or insecure? Is that your problem? How can you help him if he won’t let you? Why do men shut women out? Overfunctioning is doing more than your fair share and stepping up to rescue a man because you know you can do a better job. It’s arriving from your masculine energy. It feels aggressive and forward to a man. And it’s totally unattractive to him. Men just don’t operate on the same juice that women do. They are not built with the same type of defensive mechanism we are, theres is far worse!

Tip#4 Make him apologize! No If’s and’s or But’s about it!

I’m sorry guys but there is no excuse for your childish behavior, and this is exactly what it is, you acting like an immature little boy….especially when a woman is seriously trying to do all that she can to get to know you. We all have a wall built up around us that we don’t wish to talk about, we’ve all experienced some sort of pain at least once in our life, but isn’t part of getting to know someone sharing with them intimate details of your life that make you feel vulnerable? Is this easy to do? Hell no it’s not. Do you really want to chase the right woman away because you think she’ll only turn out to be like all of the other “wrong” ones? Nahhh, it’s time to suck it up and realize that you are being an ass and treating a woman with much disrespect. Yes men can be pig-headed and stubborn, so can we…I am the first to admit it, but I am also the first to admit when I am wrong and say “I’m Sorry!” Rome wasn’t built over night, relationships aren’t easy…if there were we’d all be in one right now, wouldn’t we? Alas, enough of the cold shoulder. I still don’t know what I was waiting for…and my time was running wild, a million dead-end streets, every time I thought I’d got it made
It seemed the taste was not so sweet, so I turned myself to face me, but I’ve never caught a glimpse…. time may change me….but I can’t trace time. Well spoken lyrics from David Bowie, for those men who feel that they have been running in circles, that they don’t deserve true love, and I mean real true love, not some puppy love or a controlled type of love, but “physical real love” I say to you what I have said to my readers and I will preach to you what my grandmother used to always preach to me; God puts certain people in our lives for a reason, you may not know who, or why it is that they are coming your way, but try to accept it, even if it’s only meant to be as a friendship. We know how head strong a man can be, I’m just saying…try.

Relationships…Let’s Compare Apples

Apples and Wine…A great combination, but I’m talking about the mixture in the fine making of a relationship… Lets do a little comparison shall we?

 It has been said that “Women are like apples on trees.” The best ones are wayyyyyyyy way up at the top of the tree . Most men don’t want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and breaking something the fear of picking the best one and really getting hurt later. So what do they do? Instead, they often take the apples on a lower branch or even from the ground that aren’t as good, but much easier! Boys will be boys….always wanting something out of reach that they cannot grasp., and girls often love playing hard to get waiting for them to chase us….as we get older, so dos the game of life, only now it gets a lot more intense, and the stakes are higher! Back to the story before I lose my train of thought…..

The apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they’re amazing. They are the creme de le creme of the fruit tree…..they just happen to be so high up that they put themselves out of reach.  They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who’s brave enough to climb all the way to the top because they value quality.Women do the same thing as apples…..we climb up so high on our pedestal that man don’t dare try to reach us….oh they admire us from a far, but they aren’t quite sure how to get our attention long enough to get us to come down. Every now and then, we see a man who is far better in many ways than any of the other suitors, and we decide to come down and meet him near the middle….

 As with a kind of relationship….you only get out of it what you put into it. If you want a lot, you have to work hard and give a lot, on the other hand if you are insecure and unsure of what your wants and needs are, get ready for some possible heart ache and a big fat let down. If you want a great guy you have to pick yourself up by the seat of your pants and show him you are here to win his love and affection! CONFIDENCE is what you’ll need. If you don’t  have it,…ya better learn how to get it. Nothing says “WOW” to a man better than a woman who rolls in and take control. It shows not only your bold strong side but the sassy in you as well.

Some woman are shy and skeptical,and very picky, no way will the settle….They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who is brave enough to climb all the way to the top f the tree!

 Now let s talk about men,…..Hmmmm…Ok, here I believe that men are like a fine wine. In comparison, They all start out like grapes, and it’s our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something you’d like to have dinner with. If they make it to the dinner party they are doing well, or as good as can be expected. Cut them some slack though….Take it slow and get to know him…find out his likes and dislikes….hobbies, and ask about his family. It’s always good to know a little about his back ground and what kind of upbringing he comes from. Doesn’t it matter or will it make you see him differently? Perhaps, but not in a bad way…hey, not everyone was raised with a caring, loving family in a happy environment,..but it doesn’t mean that this personal isn’t or can’t be totally amazing solo. Communication and trust are key. I can’t say it enough. SHare a bottle of wine with a special someone and get to the heart of who “he”  really is.  I prefer having dinner with a man who also enjoys a fine red; my choice; Frog’s Leap Rutherford Cabernet Sauvignon 2005. I am spoiled by wines now, yet I still like to embark on new delicacies of flavor. I’m not just talking about wine anymore, I am talking about men too!

 Ladies, make a selection and stick with it. It’s like wine, ….choosing a man. Although with wine you can sample it over and over again….men, not so much. They can pick up what you’re laying down so beware and remember….. Rome wasn’t built over night…. Should you even think about pulling a fast one, it may very well back fire, leaving you without the man, and back to square one again. Don’t try to climb that mountain so quickly, you will get weak, and your base will crumble……Don’t you desire something a bit more adherent to a solid relationship? Sometimes it’s better to start out really slow and be friends. The best relationships do come from a lot of time put into a friendship.

 What do you get when you mix good a little fruit with some red or white wine, a fabulous sangria! I guess what I am trying to say here is don’t be afraid to take risks sometimes…live life like there is no tomorrow once in a while, and for God sakes, climb that apple tree and pick your prize apple. She’s waiting….for YOU! Hey,…If the man is trying to get your attention,….and you wish to be noticed……maybe you should let him shake your tree?

© This article is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie

Why Do Men Play Games?

Let me first start this off on the right foot, otherwise I’ll have every man in town mad at me! I know that this article does NOT apply to all men, so if you are one of the good ones, and you are single, email me., please and help me to understand.

Tell me something….because I really want very much to understand why it is that men are best known for playing mind games that leave women feeling frustrated or mad? Is it really necessary guys? For women, reading a mans mind is probably one of the hardest things that we could ever do…probably because they are built nothing like us. Their emotions and sensors are up and down and they are horndogs in disguise. As women, we have radar to listen and comprehend what a man is saying both through his verbal content as well as by watching him closely. What do I mean by closely? Well, have you ever sat next to a man or across from a man at a table while out enjoying one another’s company only to have a beautiful woman walk by, or one with a nice ass…and you suddenly see his eyes go from directly on you to directly on her ass? Yup, happened to me the other night. My expectations of this man went from high to low in about 3 seconds flat. After that, I couldn’t wait to leave. This man who must be used to being a playboy or a player obviously hasn’t been with a whole lot of real women in his life time that care about “him” …otherwise he would never treat a “real” woman with such disrespect. Guys do you know what you do to a woman when your eyes go from being on that particular woman to  staring at some strangers ass? My guess is probably not which would explain why you’ve been pricked, burned and scorned in your past. Shame on you for acting as such. In order to decode what’s inside a mans head, it’s best to know the reasons why he does these stupid things:   

Perhaps he’s not  feeling emotionally confident?  

A man who’s emotionally insecure would definitely play mind games with that woman that he’s wooing. He’s not exactly sure what he’s actually feeling so while he’s assessing himself, he would rather play mind games first. Most of the time to be honest here, they are so used to acting in such a manner that they don’t even realize that they do this, nor are they aware of it. Rather than allow the woman to see his emotional insecurity, he deems it best to puzzle her.  Yeah, good luck then trying to find the one true woman who would treat you well. You’ve just pushed her and her opinion of you right out the door.

He’s afraid that his vulnerability will be made obvious., Good God, then the cats out of the bag!

A man who isn’t sure whether he’s going to get serious with a girl or not will be confused when he’s faced with her – so in order to mask this uncertainty, he’ll play mind games in the mean time, act as if he doesn’t care, or look at his watch or phone to find a reason to leave shortly. He might also be playing this technique so that he’ll be able to see how well you’ll understand him.  It’s like a game of cat and mouse, and a game personally that I am not really into playing.
If women are advised to be all mysterious, then men are told to become intriguing. Confusing a woman will make her want to solve the puzzle that is set before her. Really? Ladies, no no no….this is no game, this is your heart he’s playing with. My advice, get out and don’t look back. Let this bad boy/play boy romp around some other womans playground. News flash…some women are quite sophisticated and graceful. Confidence is not in how a woman wears her hair,  it’s in how she carries herself and how she contributes to your needs. Sure it’s fun to be a little mysterious but at whose expense? If a man meets you for the first time and is interested, you should be able to tell, but sooo many times we leave wondering “what the hell?” Tell me that this has never happened to you?

This makes the whole dating game a lot more fun? Fun for who?

For as long as the girl is interested, her eyes will most surely be glued to the man. Women seemingly look at men who play mind games to be, not just interesting, but also intelligent beings. And you know how it is with women and intelligent men!   For me, the mind games see to be part mystery and part insecurity. I like to pick their brain and try to make my own determination about the man before I start throwing stones. A fun-loving man is ok, a tease is all right sometimes, but a cocky flamboyant man who thinks he is Gods gift to women and that he is all that and a bag of chips just hit record low in my book. Ladies dating is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. If every there is a time during a date when you feel hurt or like he just isn’t that into you…don’t sit it out thinking he will change, news flash….he won’t. Don’t waste your time by giving him an ego. He’s already got a big enough one now!

Men are open and honest,….Boys just like to tease.  

Guys, like boys, play mind games just for the heck of it. Since it’s a mind game, guys just want to test the woman and see how well she can stand his being cold or being romantic at times.  My suggestion? If a man starts off like this, he isn’t the type of man you want to be with at all. He is immature, and lacks character. You deserve much better!

He’s a macho stud muffin….  

A man who confuses or puzzles a woman is esteemed to be someone who’s a macho man. This is because, the more he plays these mind games with her, the more she seems to want to be with him! Women for some reason like the chase, and men love to chase….but God forbid we let them know that we are on to them and we partake in this game now…then it’s all over. They’ll back off nothing you’ve ever seen before. Why? You are no fun anymore. Don’t give into to this quite so quickly ladies….

They’re uncomfortable about being asked personal questions about their lives and their past.  

Try asking him about his past relationship and he’ll either deviate the topic elsewhere or he’ll totally turn silent. In my case, I couldn’t shut him up. Sometimes this is a man’s defensive mechanism because he just can’t stand the thought of being cornered and pressed with something. Coward? Maybe, my take…he’s acting like a child. Not all men are like this…there are many, many great ones out there…(please someone help me find one!)  If you meet a man and he is nice and you feel a connection, take it slow…men are like bears….you feed them too fast and they go back off into their cave and you don’t hear from them or see them again for weeks. Why? You’ve given them their full coarse meal in one night. Do not divulge your life’s worth in one evening. Throw out the bait and then reel them in slowly. Too much too fast and they’ll bite your bait and keep on swimming until they find something else interesting to wet their whistle. Oh sure they are down on one knee trying to woo you in, but ladies…don’t give too much too quickly or they will fall off the radar like grease lightening.

Look Smashing, Not Clashing!

By dressing well, guys can give off the appearance of being confident, attractive, put-together men that any firm would want to hire and any woman would want to date. One’s attire is one of the first things noticed by others, and these first impressions are long-lasting. With a few simple steps, any guy can dress to impress everyday.

 First, there are clothes for public consumption: clothing in which to present yourself to others and thereby convey an elevated message about yourself. These are types of clothes you wear to work, to the store, out on the town, at a wedding, at church, at parties, or wherever people are going to see you. The primary objective here is that you look presentable, that you are civilized, a gentleman and not a beast.

 The other type of clothing is that which serves a pure functional purpose: that is, that which you wear for yard work, fixing your car, an evening at home, a Saturday washing the house or cleaning, or just knocking around the park with kids. Everyone knows what type of clothes these are. They can all be bought at Wal-Mart or thrift stores, and they are made of cotton.

 The great dressing error of our time is to confuse the two. Or more precisely: people think that it is perfectly okay to present yourself to others in clothes which serve a purely functional purpose. They say this is fine because it is comfortable — as if the only thing that matters in life is comfort. Well, it is also comfortable not to shave and not to bathe, and we have a word for people like that: slobs. If you don’t want to be a slob, you have to live with a bit of discomfort. Suck it up…you’ll look and feel better and you will turn heads.

 Now the next step: how do you look presentable? For a man, it is a snap. Your full wardrobe need not take up more than 12 to 18 inches of closet space. What every man should have in his closet.

 You need:

  • one or two suits in blue or grey
  • a blue or black jacket or sports coat
  • a jacket for summer (khaki or blue cotton or, if you want to be really fancy, seersucker)
  • a tweed jacket for winter
  • year-round grey wool trousers (light or dark or both)
  • a few pairs of khakis
  • 3 white and 3 blue shirts
  • a selection of ties

But, you say, I’ll look the same all the time! Right. This conveys an impression that you are a wise and stable person, not prone to flights of fancy and fits of fashion. There is a practical aspect here. You don’t really want to wear clothes that cause people to comment: hey, that is a really nice forest-green, window-pane, double-breasted, peak-lapel, side-vent hunting jacket with leather patches! The next time you wear it, the comment will be: oh, you wore that last week! No, you don’t really want people to zero in on your clothes as if they have an existence apart from you and your character. Clothes should not make the man; they should be the man. Stay tune, we’ll go over more of the business attire for dress in another article.

By all means, if you are not good at this getting yourself dressed ordeal, or if you think you know what it takes to pull an outfit off when you haven’t a clue? …….Please… let someone else help you choose what to wear if you aren’t sure how to dress for an event….You want to blend in, not stand out like a sore thumb. Don’t ever go out like these guys did in public, unless you are doing it to draw in some freaky kind of attention…the only thing worse would be if you went streaking in general. At least there, we’d have something to look at- directing our attention fully on you,….and not being blindsided by your loud bright attire! Ladies, PLEASE don’t let your men go out like this!!



Mr. Right, or Mr. Right NOW?

Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world…….Took the midnight train, boat, ferry, plane, or rental car….. going anywhere, because she wanted to see the world…..So where does one begin?…..


Every now and then, we are fortunate enough to have someone come into our lives when we least expect them to and set us back, I mean they really knock our socks off, and….they throw a monkey wrench right into our perfect plans that we had mapped out for months, if not longer and within a matter of months, we find ourselves looking at our life/lifestyles in an entirely new perspective.


I consider myself a very friendly, outgoing and most content woman…..but a woman who was on a designated mission to move closer to home to a city where she was born because it wasn’t at all a big city and she wouldn’t get lost in the hustle and bustle there, rather, she’d run her businesses, look after her family and enjoy life building her small empire with no distractions. Time on her hands to visit shipping companies and warehouses, meet with new and some current manufactures, line up new partnerships with boutiques and small businesses, and hire staff that would allow her company to expand at a rate that she had planned almost to the “T” ……..Well,  that was the plan a few months ago……but always on the “back burner”…..somehow, she never stopped believing…..that one day when she wasn’t looking, something grander would happen to her that would be so unforgettable… change of life factor….but what?


Last fall, while visiting with her parents and discussing old times on an old street, the neighborhood she grew up in, she started bringing up friends and old neighbors from her past and wondering “where are they now?” She quickly got onto Face Book and began typing in names and sure enough she found so many old friends that she attended school with, friends that lived there and moved away, and even a few people that she babysat for long, long ago……


How great could the odds be to meet a man who was searching for everything that you were? Perhaps this someone was divorced for the past several years and had never really experienced the kind of true love from fairy tales, those same fairy tales that this particular Cinderella believed in and had also hoped for as long as she could remember?


My grandmother always used to say “Things happen when you least expect them to” and …….”Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth!”… we won’t. Two paths are about to meet head on shortly and although this woman bubbling with such anticipation and happiness, who is so “not” used to having her world jolted and her bubble burst, is terrified that once again, that this too shall pass and an opportunity will be lost…….what? She wants to feel weak in the knees! That guard wall  that she build so high around her was beginning to crumble down, all because of one man. Those barriers that were formed to protect her heart were now nothing more than jello walls waiting to endure this next chapter in her life where she comes home to not only her prince, but to her far away castle in a kingdom of hope,…. where dreams and fairy tales really do come true!


Did this gal wait most all of her life to find that one man who could make her dreams come true, who could care for her and respect her, could make her laugh and cry (good tears) do silly things, allow her to be herself, moonwalk in public (well maybe not really in public,) march to the beat of her own drum, and eventually  if all circumstances fell into place maybe, just maybe…… find love?


You bet she could, because that stubborn, sassy, sensual, soft spoken lady always held out hoping that somewhere out there he would be…..Well stranger things have happened. Some will say that you have better chances of being struck by lightening vs find true love? If there is a risk to take, finding love or getting struck by lightening, I’ll hold out a metal rod to hoping to attract my Mr Right. Yes, life is all about taking chances! If you don’t try or you don’t seek from time to time, someone else might find the man of “your” dreams. Although I still believe in paths crossing for reasons, at this stage of my life, I wouldn’t think twice about tripping him and bringing him to his knees to make him see what a catch I am! A girls got to do what a girls got to do!


Journey said it best…..”Don’t stop… believin’ hold on to that feeling….”

Men….Why are they so Unpredictable?

Follow your heart? No….perhaps we really do need to follow our gut. Have you ever noticed that when things in your life are starting to go well; starting to come together, along comes someone who wants to bring you down? It could be a friend; it could be a close relative!Those sad and sorry types will try to bring you down to their level of gloom. Don’t let it happen. Trust me, they will find every excuse in the book to make you feel horrible, and tell you that it’s not you….they are right, it’s not you….it is them. They are the ones who will go to bed lonely at night and it will be those that wallow in their own self doubt. We can only try so hard and then we crack.


Don’t bother getting angry. Don’t bother trying to educate them, either, because they aren’t ready to listen to you, don’t barter, don’t beg, don’t whine….just walk away. They’ll have to figure that out on their own when they realize that the blame and gloom game does not get them anywhere good. When things are going well for you, you just keep on smiling. Stay sweet, stay the course, and don’t let those whiners, the hostile, and the just plain nutcases get you down. Believe me, they will try their best. Don’t take two steps forward to go three back…..


Yes, they’ll try to make your dreams fizzle; they’ll tell you it’s not going to work – whatever you’re trying, they’ve already done it, and it didn’t work. It’s not you, it’s them….you want to see the world and they won’t step foot on a plane. It hurts that someone you might have come to care for couldn’t have been honest months ago. It’s time to put this in your past and move on. Don’t waste your time on someone you never saw you saw as a hopeful when he never saw you as anything other than an option.

 Next year at this time, your life will be that much richer, and theirs will still be the same if not worse. And don’t spend your energy trying to save their sinking ship, because you are not at the helm of that ship – they are. If anyone is going to drive it straight into the deep blue sea, they will. Why? I have no idea. Fear of rejection? Fear of over anticipation followed by let down?

 Yes, life is full of problems. And??… and nothing. Nothing is ever certain, nothing is ever planned out, and nothing or no one can predict the future…so why worry about tomorrow when you haven’t made it through today? Don’t over analyze life and what may or may not happen, in the end you’ll find yourself alone, watching other happy couples and wondering why you can have what they to and the truth at hand is…you did have it, and you were on your way to a better kind of life and happiness, …..way to go….you threw it away, and for what? ……because you thought you had some differences? What about all of the similarities? I guess that with some people all of the good things you have and the enjoyable time together simply doesn’t matter….

 We can handle life and we keep going, why? It’s our mechanism and how it runs….Today, I am a workaholic, or so that’s what some call me….but that is only because I am tired of letting employers rule my life for a minimal salary. I deserve better. My life won’t always be like this and I do know when its time to walk away. I thrown my energy into my work because I haven’t had someone good in my life to make me want to do anything else…..I was quite content with my life for years until one day I woke up and decided that I was tired of people beating me into the ground, taking my ideas and putting their names on them to get the credit, and getting the promotions and raises while I stayed in a salary or at times even an hourly paying job barely making ends meet. I studied, got book smart, street smart and started my own business. Seems like once you start one, it paves the way to starting another. I don’t do this for me….No, I do this so that someday my kids will have life easier than I did and they will have something that I built from the ground up with all of my heart and soul. What better gift other than love can one ask for? In relationships, men turn our worlds upside down and then they decide that it;s not a good fit? Guess what guys, there isn’t a perfect fit. There will always be differences, and debates, but part of being in a good relationship is having our own opinions and supporting the other persons because you know that makes them happy. Why can’t we figure out men? What makes them so difficult to read? ….and why do they think we are the ones that are hard to read?

 Frankly, life is about failures, and learning….. that takes up almost 90% of it, whether it be in work or love – balance is the key…..then you just keep going. You don’t give up. You just try to be a better person, and the bigger person. We ALL have issues and we all have problems – but we can still be joyful and thankful for the good things in our life, our friends who will always be our friends, and for our family. My problem is……I want the fairy tale, I want prince charming, he doesn’t have to ride in on or horse or fly his own jet….I would have been happy with the man who was a soccer dad and lived a simple life because at heart, I am simple….it’s just sad that he didn’t see it because he was looking too far ahead…..and he couldn’t see the forest through the trees. Ladies, if this sounds familiar, don’t give up…..don’t stop searching for your own true happiness…..I don’t, why? I’m a dreamer. The Everly Brothers sang a song back in the 50s called “Dream”….so tell me then,……what are the chances of your mother playing that song just as you are closing your thoughts and trying to put them into words, its frightening…… Listen to the song,…you’ll have to archive it…it’s back from the dinosaur days…..but it has true meaning.




© This is a copyright of Simply Delicious Lingerie

10 Ways to Tell that “your” Man Doesn’t Take your Relationship Serious!

1. He won’t commit or Speak his Feelings for You

You can never quite get him to admit to the depth (or shallowness) of his feelings for you. The worst-case scenario? He doesn’t share any of his feelings with you because he doesn’t have any. The deepest feeling he has for you is the aforementioned ‘alright’. And nobody wants to be just ‘alright’. Does he love you or are you just a decoration that he brings out when it suits him or his needs?

 2. He Doesn’t Share His Plans With You

You don’t know how he spends his free time…or you find out last minute when you thought that you might be seeing him that now you aren’t! You don’t know who his friends are. You don’t know what his goals are. Yet he seems to have a whole, entire and active life completely apart from you. This is definitely a bad sign. If you are not a significant part of his current life, you are probably not a significant part of his future plans either. If you are in a new relationship, give it some time. But if you still know very little about him after dating him for several months, and good God, please don’t tell me that it’s been years….then this means only one things… this man is quite happy to keep you right where he has you – on the outside looking in. Sad, but true! Now is the time for you to clam up….don’t you dare share your plans, etc with him if you get nothing in return. You know that saying….if its like squeezing blood from a turnip, somethings isn’t right…..

 3. He Doesn’t Answer the Phone When You Call

Yes, I know we all get busy sometimes. If he repeatedly doesn’t take your calls and you are getting dumped into his voice mail, I would have to say “Houston, We Have a BIG Problem!” A man who is interested in you wants to talk to you. No matter what else he has going on – work, family, children or whatever. You should be a priority to him! If you are not, you should be. It only takes 30 seconds to call you to say hi, or to tell you that he is thinking about you, etc. I’m sorry ladies, there is NO excuse for a man who puts you second all the time. Don’t you deserve more? It’s not all about him, you are part of this equation too!

 4. He Hasn’t Introduced You to Anyone (or Introduces You as ‘My Friend’)

Okay -this sounds like it would be harmless……and this is simple. If a man has not introduced you to anybody he knows you are probably not very important to him in his life. Why do I say that? What’s one of the first things you do when you meet someone (that you really like)? Introduce him to your friends or invite him to go with you to different functions. Men are not so very different from us – if they love having you around, they will invite you to be where they are. And, in the normal course of those invitations, you will meet people who are in his life. If you haven’t, then beware.

 5. He Doesn’t Tell Anyone About You

BIG RED FLAG here………When you talk to him, he may mention conversations he’s had with his family or friends.He may even mention to these aforesaid friends and family his weekend plans. But, then you catch on to something – he told them what he was going to do, but not with whom he would be doing those things (namely, you). A simple oversight? An overriding need for privacy? Possibly. But, more than likely, he is not ready for anyone to know of your existence in his life. This could be for a number of reasons, but none of them are good. So, keep up with his mentions of you in his life – it is an important indicator of intent and the seriousness with which he takes your relationship……if this isn’t the red flag, what is?

 6. He Talks About His Future in Terms of ‘I’ never a ‘We’

When he talks about where he’s going to live, what job he plans on getting or what school he plans to attend, it’s all about him.What should this say to you? That he’s still thinking of himself in terms of being single. It has not yet occurred to him that the relationship he has with you could become more serious. All those “I’s” and lacks of “we’s” is his subconscious way of telling you that he does not consider you to be his serious partner. Ask yourself…where do I fit in? Maybe you don’t…..have you ever stopped to think about that?

 7. He Doesn’t Take You on a Real Date

Sure, he likes spending time with you – but only in the privacy of his home. Why the hell not? Is he embarrassed of you? Or you have limited outings like to the movies (where nobody can see you) or to the deli to pick up a sandwich at the place around the corner from his house. You don’t do the ‘big’ dates like charity functions, birthday parties, family events or the like. This should tell you something: This man is not ready to be serious with you. A man who wants to be with you will spend time with you in a variety of places – both publicly and privately. Isn’t this all about pleasing you? Beware of a man who limits your activity to one specific type of place.

8. He Only Calls Late (are you just a Booty Call?)

 Unless he works a really odd shift, there is no reason that your guy cannot call you at a reasonable hour. In fact, I have a rule…..if it’s after 10 and he hasn’t called, and then he does…..I don’t answer. 1) Its quite rude for him not to call earlier, so disrespectful too,…..and 2) If he can’t make you more of a priority to call sooner before your brian shuts down and gets into sleep mode, don’t waste your time answering if the phone does ring….He had all day to call you! Do what seems right to you, but know that late night calls do not equal serious intentions. You deserve much better than to just be someones late night “piece of ass” or dirty talk….He hasn’t thought enough to call you all day….? The last thing you should do is give him the upper hand and give him what he wants now. Sorry….this would be the icing on the cake for me to kick this one to the curb!

 9. He Doesn’t Share ANY Personal Information about Himself? Why?

Have you ever asked yourself why you don’t know where your guy lives? Or where he works? Or you’re not even 100% sure of his last name?  Ladies, were you born yesterday? Seriously…..if this is how a man is acting, RUN…..because most likely they really are married, already in another relationship and they are bored with it so you are their “happy place” so to speak…..He’s probably hiding something. Or, most likely he doesn’t consider your relationship to be serious enough to share the serious information about his life with you. Don’t think so? Try asking him those questions the next time you see him. The answers should speak for themselves! I fell into this trap years ago with someone..boy was I naive. I share these thoughts with you because I never want anyone else to feel the pain and hurt that I felt when I learned of this.

 10. He Doesn’t Take an Interest in what YOU DO, or Your Future Plans

We’ve already been over the fact that he doesn’t tell you his future plans. But now, to add insult to injury, he doesn’t ask about your plans either. Why is this such a bad thing? Let me ask you something – to what kind of people do you fail to ask questions like these? That’s right – acquaintances or people you barely know. Are you buying this? Hey, believe me, no matter what else you think about him, he is perfectly capable of asking something he wants to know. Doesn’t this make you feel bad, or wonder why? I would have some serious doubt going on right about now…….

 So those are 10 sure signs that the man with whom you are involved has no intentions of being serious with you. Maybe he “might” be be a good guy – fun to hang out with, good to his dog, his kids, or even kind to his mama – but he has not reached the level of being ready to be committed (at least not to you). If it is a new relationship (a year or less), wait a while and see. But if it has been over a year, your best bet is to keep your options open. Don’t let the opportunity to be involved with someone who is commitment-minded pass you by while you wait on your guy to get a clue. You need to really put yourself first. Honor your own needs. Don’t you want to be with someone who gives you that same respect? Don’t make someone a priority if they only consider you an option! If you want to know if he really loves you? Cher sang it best……… “It’s in His Kiss”………